Healing mudras for a healthy heart and strong blood vessels


Ritual gestures, or mudras, were invented by ancient yogis as a means of maintaining internal energetic balance. They help stabilize thoughts, affect well-being and stimulate the functioning of internal organs, becoming indispensable assistants in the prevention of various diseases. Mudras for a strong heart can prolong health, and, if necessary, quickly relieve pain and calm a rapid heartbeat.

Mudra for heart health - Ganesha mudra

Ganesha Mudra is a symbol of the god Ganesha, who teaches us to overcome all difficulties and adversities. This is a mudra that stimulates the heart, its rhythm, and helps strengthen the heart muscle.

It promotes full breathing, opens the bronchi and heart chakra. It gives people who perform the exercise self-confidence, openness to people (especially in relation to loved ones), courage and perseverance.

Exercise technique

Place your hands in front of your chest. Turn your left hand palm up and place your right hand on top of it, back side up. Bend your fingers and make a lock out of them. Move the finger lock closer to your heart.

Now you need to connect your breathing: take a breath. As you exhale, clasp your fingers tightly and pull your arms in different directions without releasing your fingers. Feel how the muscles of your arms tense, and most importantly, the muscles of the left side of your chest.

While inhaling, relax the muscles of the chest and arms. Repeat the heart health mudra six times. Then place both hands on your chest and try to feel your inner sensation.

Change the position of your hands, now - the right hand is from below, palm up, and the left hand is from above, palm down. Interlock your fingers and perform the breathing exercise six times. Do this exercise once a day.

Sense organs

Akasha mudra

For hearing disorders, ether mudra (Akasha mudra) often helps. Yoga for fingers is good for hearing loss, inflammation, and ear pain. The mudra of heaven (ether) is performed as follows:

  1. Connect the fingertips of the middle and thumb of your left hand;
  2. Repeat for the right hand;
  3. Straighten the remaining fingers.

Akasha - mudra is indispensable for older people suffering from hearing loss.

The use of healing mudras for eye health is common not only in India, but also everywhere where yoga is practiced. The mudra of life will help improve visual acuity, relieve eye fatigue, increase endurance and improve overall health. To create this position, you need to connect the pads of the little fingers, ring fingers and thumbs on each hand.

Mudra for strength and courage

Mudra can be used when you feel any indecision or inability to make a decision. By performing a finger lock, you seem to be telling yourself that “..it’s time to gather your strength into a fist, and you have the courage to do it!” But in this case, the exercise is slightly modified.

When performing the mudra for heart health, you hold your arms and elbows horizontally, and the mudra for strength and courage is performed in the same way, only you should keep your elbows diagonally, relative to your chest.

One of your elbows is raised up and the other is down. This position of the hands and elbows makes the words more meaningful and not only gives strength and courage, but also strengthens the heart.

What elements can enhance the effects of mudra for heart health? The heart symbolizes Fire. To strengthen the mudra, experts recommend using the effect of color on the body corresponding to the symbol of Fire, that is, red.

After all, you know that all the colors around us affect our health, read how colors act on the body. When performing mudra, you can look at something red or imagine this color.

Mudra of fire, air, earth, water

In the Indian understanding of the world, everything that surrounds us is influenced by powerful energies. The energies of the four elements are understandable and familiar: fire, earth, water and air. To maintain and strengthen each of the elements in the body, the corresponding mudras are added.

Fire mudra has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, fights depression and apathy, increases immunity and improves vision . All these processes are subject to the energy of fire. You need to fold the mudra by connecting the thumbs and middle fingers on each hand.

You need to fold the mudra by connecting the thumbs and middle fingers on each hand.

Earth is an element responsible for the condition of skin, hair, nails, bone tissue, increases endurance and makes a person stronger physically and mentally . The execution of the mudra is simple: the thumbs and ring fingers are connected.

The execution of the mudra is simple: the thumbs and ring fingers are connected.

The mudra of the air element is formed with the index finger and thumb. Air is responsible for the respiratory system in the body, helps to improve sleep, and also fight laziness.

The mudra of the air element is formed with the index finger and thumb.

Varuna mudra (water mudra) regulates everything related to water in the body. It helps with the functioning of the kidneys, stomach, fights dehydration and affects blood composition . It is useful for women to fold this mudra to keep the skin fresh and moisturized and fight wrinkles. In order to perform this exercise, you need to connect your thumbs with your little fingers.

In order to perform this exercise, you need to connect your thumbs with your little fingers.

Mudra for heart attack - Apan Vayu Mudra

Apan Vayu-Mudra is a life-saving mudra. It is used at the first signs of an incipient heart attack, accompanied by aching or stabbing pain.

Experts say that relief comes very quickly, so quickly that sometimes this mudra is compared to taking nitroglycerin. The mudra eliminates pain and discomfort in the heart area, calms the heartbeat, and normalizes heart function.

Technique for performing heart attack mudra:

Bend your index finger and use the pad to touch the bump at the base of your thumb. Place your thumb on top of your index finger, as if holding it. Attach the pads of the middle and ring fingers to the pad of the thumb.

Keep your little finger straight, moving it slightly to the side. Hold this mudra, performed with the fingers of both hands, until relief occurs. As a heart treatment, without waiting for an attack and pain, it is performed daily for 15 minutes, three times a day (morning, lunch and evening). Everyone should know this mudra, because it can relieve a heart attack!

Mudra can be used to prevent heart disease. The appearance of the slightest pinching or tingling in the heart is a signal from the body that a person is taking everything to heart.

Experiences and sympathies for others sometimes overshadow concern for one’s health. The desire to surround your loved ones with care and attention develops into the desire to earn the love of others, forgetting about self-love.

What elements can enhance the effect of mudra against a heart attack? Breathing and visualization are of great importance when performing this mudra. All attention must be focused on breathing, observing how the chest expands when inhaling, and how it contracts when exhaling.

At the same time, it would be nice to imagine a red rose bud: as when you exhale, when your chest contracts, the flow of air from inside opens the rose flower, pushing its petals apart.

Often this mudra is accompanied by affirmations like this one: “I love myself as I am... I value and approve of myself..” Read the mudras for memory and attention and for the fruitful functioning of the brain.

But Prana Mudra is an exercise for vision that not only helps with myopia and farsightedness, but also activates both hemispheres of the brain. Levels the energy level of the entire body, increasing its vitality.

How to get ready for exercise

To start practicing, you need to deal with all the pressing problems so that they do not burden your head during meditation. Many practitioners do not take the process of meditation seriously, considering it more of entertainment. Don't make such mistakes - half the result of yoga lies in a thorough approach. There are a few more important points.

  1. To practice, choose deserted places with good air circulation. And if you are at home, it is advisable to open the window.
  2. Get rid of extraneous sounds. If the sounds of nature are also irritants for you, it is better to practice in silence.
  3. Try to sit in a comfortable position. Remember that keeping your body in a painful position, dreaming of getting out as quickly as possible is not the best way to achieve your goal. If during practice you concentrate on pain and physical discomfort, and not on your internal state, then such a process will not be considered any meditation.
  4. To fix your thoughts, read mantras and affirmations. Such techniques will be especially useful for beginners, since focusing on a specific phrase will help concentrate thoughts. Remember that you must understand all the words of the mantras and affirmations.
  5. Don't torture yourself for too long. Each person has his own internal limits, and if you feel that your attention is scattered and your head is busy with something else, it is better to interrupt the practice and give yourself a rest.

Mudra for diseases of the heart and organs associated with the solar plexus - Rudra Mudra

The Rudra-Mudra mudra is the symbol of the ruler of the solar plexus chakra. Mudra is used for heart disease, prolapse of internal organs, frequent dizziness, and general malaise.

The solar plexus chakra is associated with the heart, liver and gallbladder, stomach and pancreas. Energy congestion and pinching in these organs slows down the flow of energy into the head, which causes dizziness, heaviness in the head, and headaches.

Technique for performing mudra for diseases associated with the solar plexus

Connect the pads of your index, ring and thumb. The remaining fingers should be straight. Keep your fingers relaxed.

The mudra activates energy processes in the solar plexus chakra, and, like a centrifugal force, directs them from the center to all of the listed organs, relieving pain and tension. The exercise is performed daily for 10–15 minutes.

What elements can enhance the effect of mudra? Breathing when performing this mudra should be even and calm. For visualization, you can draw a wheel with a yellow dot in the middle on a white sheet of paper and look at it while doing the exercise. Attention must be concentrated on the point, imagining how the energy from it diverges to the periphery of the wheel.

Shakti - mudra for women's well-being

Shakti - mudra

Shakti is a revered goddess, the beloved wife of Shiva. Shakti is the personification of mother nature, the universe, and all life on Earth. Shakti - mudra fills with the energy of the feminine principle.

Indications for folding this mudra are insomnia and emotional agitation.

  1. Connect the tips of the ring fingers;
  2. Connect the tips of the little fingers;
  3. Place the bent thumbs inside the palms;
  4. Curl your free fingers around your thumbs.

To perform shakti-mudra you need to lie down in a comfortable position. Shakti requires even breathing. Yoga for fingers does not tolerate fuss and distracted thoughts. Folding mudra for insomnia is the best healing assistant in the fight for restful sleep.

Mudra for cardiac arrhythmia - Matangi Mudra

Mudra Matangi-Mudra is a symbol of the god Matangi, which teaches how to gain inner harmony and dignity. Mudra helps to relax the muscular system of organs, leading them to harmonious, coordinated and calm work.

It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, especially during periods of rapid heartbeat, calms an excited heart, normalizes the functioning of the liver and gallbladder, stomach, pancreas and duodenum, and spleen.

Execution technique

Close your fingers at the level of the solar plexus. Now straighten your middle fingers and lightly press the pads against each other. Attention should be focused on breathing in the solar plexus area, the exercise is performed for 4 minutes, three times a day.

Mudra relieves internal tension, not only of the heart muscle, has a relaxing effect on pain and heaviness when the stomach is full, improves digestion, and relieves tension in the facial muscles.

What elements can enhance the effect of mudra? Breathing while performing mudra should be calm and even. You can imagine a yellow desert with a green island - an oasis full of harmony and silence, greenery, tranquility. In it you can only hear the sounds of nature surrounding you from all sides.

Additions and recommendations

When performing mudras for the heart, infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs are often used. Take the decoction before and after exercise.

  • Sprouted wheat grains and lemon balm essential oils have a relaxing effect on the heart muscle, how to sprout wheat?
  • Hawthorn lowers blood pressure, and gillyflower strengthens the heart.
  • Angelica officinalis helps with neuralgia and exhaustion of the nervous system.
  • Wormwood and calendula flowers have a beneficial effect on the pancreas and improve digestion.
  • Dahurian rhododendron will calm the nervous system, lavender and verbena will help you find harmony and calm.

They also use acupressure for the heart.

How the work of the cardiovascular system is related to energy

Diseases of the cardiovascular system have long ceased to be rare. General recommendations about lifestyle changes, diets and moderate physical activity are widely known. However, such popular ailments have deeper causes than improper diet and poor nutrition. And they can be eliminated much earlier than the heart disease manifests itself - you just need to know a few energetic subtleties.

Only one chakra directly affects the functioning of the heart in the body - Anahata . Although failures in other energy centers can affect the health of the organ. In addition to the cardiovascular system, the heart chakra is associated with the arms, lungs, lower part of the bronchi and all the vertebrae of the cervical region.

Anahata chakra location

Anahata is an accumulator of human emotions, they appear in it and their strength and depth depend on it. If Anahata is depressed, the person suffers from various types of osteochondrosis, his hands are covered with dry wrinkles, and his gait is “wooden.” Such people often have problems with the manifestation of feelings and the sphere of spiritual pleasure. Often, a damaged chakra leads its owner to hypertension or, conversely, hypotension. The finger of this chakra is the ring finger, and there is also a connection with the little finger.

All about the work of the chakras and the connection between a person’s health and character and his aura.

Mudra - what is it?

Initially, mudra was the name given to a special arrangement of the hands and fingers, which had religious and symbolic meaning. Over time, these techniques became part of spiritual practices and became a type of yoga. It is believed that this type of practice has a healing effect on the human body, its systems and organs. This type of technique helps control the flow of energy in the body, normalizing its functioning and putting its functions in order.

Enter your pressure

Move the sliders




There are a huge number of mudras, the effects of which are aimed at correcting various diseases and pathological conditions of all systems and organs. Each disease has its own set of techniques. For diseases of the heart system, separate mudras have been created, which are used for arrhythmias of various origins, tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), high blood pressure and other disorders of the heart.

For injuries

Shambhala Shield

When a person is physically injured, for proper recovery he needs a “shield”, protection from external factors. The same applies to psychological trauma . Shield, shelter, protection from negative energy - all this means mudra, which is called the “Shield of Shambhala” . The Shambhala shield represents security and peace. Such a shield will help you recover from injuries and fractures or stress. The Shambhala Shield is performed as follows:

  1. Clench your hand into a fist (for women - the right, for men - the left);
  2. Align the second palm at the level of the solar plexus;
  3. Press your fist into your palm, which represents the shield.

The healing properties of mudras have been tested for centuries; if performed correctly, you can heal serious psychological and physical ailments without drugs.

Emotional stress

Shakya - Muni hat

Unusual healing mudras for emotional and psychological health help to relax and relieve tension. A mudra called “Shakya-Muni Hat” helps with depression. The significance of the Shakya-Muni mudra is difficult to overestimate. Technique for performing the Shakya-Muni Cap:

  1. Connect the pads of the middle fingers and little fingers;
  2. Connect the bent phalanges of the ring and index fingers;
  3. The thumbs are straightened and connected by the lateral surfaces.

In addition to the Shakya Muni Hat mudra, the mudra of fearlessness is widely used. This finger position helps develop self-confidence, resist negative influences and overcome fear . The mudra of fearlessness is performed not with the fingers, but with the palms:

  1. The right palm is at chest level, facing forward;
  2. The left palm is horizontal at the level of the solar plexus.

Heavenly Temple Staircase

Sometimes depression and depression arise as a result of the fact that a person does not see a way out of the situation, it seems as if he is stuck at one level. This is where the magical Staircase of the Heavenly Temple comes to the rescue . This mudra helps you move to a new level, find a way out of the situation, and develop.

  1. Cross the fingers of both hands so that the fingers of the right hand are at the bottom and imitate a staircase;
  2. Straighten your little fingers;
  3. Place your hands at the level of the solar plexus.

Apana mudra helps to achieve harmony and mental well-being. Apana energy helps with temperature, inflammation, fever, removes toxins and waste. To perform the Apana mudra, you need to sit in the lotus position, relax and visualize the glow around your body. Technique for performing Apana mudra:

  1. Connect the ring, thumb and middle fingers together;
  2. Straighten your index fingers and little fingers.
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