Vertebral (vertebral) artery syndrome is the definition of a group of syndromes (vascular, autonomic) resulting from impaired blood flow
Time and again we have to return to the topic of hypertension and high blood pressure. Too short
Anonymous Around the clock Attention! The material contains information about substances, the use of which can cause serious harm.
Cobalamin deficiency leads to a lack of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood, which causes anemia. Acute
The main sign of hypertension or hypertension is elevated blood pressure. Patients with this
This article is from the section “Intravenous injections” from the author Elistratov E.V. (is a practicing surgeon) will help
Pathophysiology of oxidative stress The basic mechanisms of pathology in any critical conditions, including
What complaints do hypotensive patients have when their blood pressure rises? Symptoms of high blood pressure: headache; nausea;
Administration of drugs into the heart cavity through the chest can only be used in exceptional cases.
What happens to a person after gastric resection? Gastric resection is a surgical treatment for certain