Why does my heart beat fast after a hangover? Diagnostics and help


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Attention! The material contains information about substances, the use of which can cause serious harm to your health!

An alcohol hangover is a post-intoxication state caused by drinking alcoholic beverages. The morning hangover is often played out in jokes, but the degree of pain during this condition can be very serious.

  • Hangover
  • What it is
  • Causes of hangover
  • Signs of a severe hangover
  • Be sick
  • Headache
  • Pain
  • Temperature
  • Anxiety
  • How long does it last
  • Consequences of a hangover
  • What to do if you have a terrible hangover: first aid
  • Hangover treatment
  • How to get rid of signs at home
  • What will help with a hangover quickly?
  • How to relieve the condition without pills
  • Foods that will help you recover from a hangover
  • Hangover dropper at home and in the clinic
  • Effective remedies to combat hangover syndrome
  • Vitamin C is good for hangovers
  • Water for a hangover
  • Brine - the old-fashioned way
  • Tea
  • Natural juices
  • Oatmeal
  • Traditional recipes for hangovers
  • Oatmeal broth
  • Natural kvass
  • Cocoa on water
  • What medications can help you cope with a hangover?
  • succinic acid
  • Polysorb
  • Aspirin
  • Enterosgel
  • Glycine
  • Coal
  • Regidron
  • The best way to recover from a hangover

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Drinking alcoholic beverages in large quantities leads to systemic disorders in the body. Normally, after a hangover, a person’s aversion to alcohol increases. If this does not happen, it is advisable to assert the development of alcohol addiction.

What it is

A hangover is a condition caused by an increase in the concentration of toxic substances in the body due to the consumption of alcoholic beverages. The state of intoxication provokes a number of symptoms: headache, nausea, dry mouth, gastrointestinal disturbances, etc.

Causes of hangover

A number of painful sensations during a hangover are caused by dehydration and an increase in the concentration of acetaldehyde in the body. To remove it as quickly as possible, it is necessary to resort to drug treatment.

Signs of a severe hangover

“Otkhodnyak,” as it is popularly called, is a type of poisoning. Due to an increase in the concentration of toxic substances in the body and an increase in dehydration, a number of painful symptoms occur.


Be sick

Vomiting is a protective mechanism aimed at accelerating the elimination of toxic substances from the body. Vomiting helps to evacuate contents from the stomach that are oversaturated with toxins. If a person’s stomach is empty, but vomiting does not stop, it is necessary to call a specialist: the condition may indicate serious damage to the liver and pancreas.


Migraine occurs after beer, vodka and other alcoholic drinks due to dehydration. Lack of fluid in the body leads to increased blood pressure, which impairs cerebral circulation.


Pain in the stomach and intestines is caused by the negative effects of alcohol on the mucous membranes. A feast provokes the development of gastritis, pancreatitis, colitis, etc. Ethyl alcohol destroys the intestinal microflora, leading to the development of dysbacteriosis. Damage to the gastric mucosa leads to intense “cutting” pain in the epigastrium.


After drinking alcohol in the morning, your body temperature may rise. This occurs due to the consumption of low-quality alcohol, individual intolerance to alcohol, exacerbation of chronic pathologies or damage to the nervous system. If hyperthermia occurs, you should consult a specialist.


The negative effect of alcohol on the nervous system leads to increased anxiety. After a feast, a person’s hands shake, unreasonable panic occurs, trembling and weakness in the limbs.

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How long does it last

The duration of a hangover depends on the amount of alcohol consumed. In some cases, a person feels better only after 24 hours, 48 ​​hours, or even 72 hours.

Consequences of a hangover

Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to the following disorders in the body:

  • Dysbacteriosis;
  • Gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • Pancreatitis;
  • Liver diseases;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system, etc.

To avoid these diseases, you should avoid excessive alcohol consumption.

What to do if you have a terrible hangover: first aid

If the last use of alcoholic beverages occurred about three hours ago, it is necessary to get rid of the contents of the stomach. To do this, drink a liter of water and press on the root of the tongue. You can overcome a hangover through the use of Regidron and other medications for dehydration. The best way is to place a dropper with a water-salt solution.

Preventive actions

If a hangover is accompanied by tachycardia, then you can drink calcium chloride or magnesium. Under no circumstances should you take medications together; the break between doses should be at least one hour.

Poisoning can also have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract and cause ventricular tachycardia. In this case, mata, tincture of peony or valerian, as well as other drugs intended for calming, will be indispensable helpers.

Important! Valocordin, Corvalol, phenazepam are incompatible with alcoholic beverages. Their combination can put a person in a serious condition.

You should not drink energy drinks if the patient has a rapid heartbeat.

On the day when you plan to attend a magnificent feast, you can drink a decoction of immortelle or yarrow. These are choleretic agents that will not allow toxins to linger in the body.

Just one aspirin tablet two hours before drinking alcoholic beverages will relieve unwanted consequences. Vitamin B will also prevent intoxication. It is recommended to drink it twice a day.

You should drink alcoholic beverages in order of increasing strength. This way you can avoid headaches.

The best prevention of a hangover is to completely abstain from alcoholic beverages.

Hangover treatment

Only a specialist can provide a quick remedy for a hangover. Home methods are popular due to their wide availability, but the most effective remedies are provided only by a narcologist.

How to get rid of signs at home

You can get rid of painful symptoms in the morning by drinking plenty of fluids and taking medications aimed at fighting a hangover: Antipohmelin, Limontar, Alka-Seltzer, Zorex, etc. Taking medications can be combined with sorbents.

What will help with a hangover quickly?

You can relieve a hangover in a short time only with the help of a specialist. If a person is in a hurry to an important conference, work, study, etc., it is advisable to call a narcologist at home. Putting on an IV, taking specialized medications and receiving the most important recommendations will help you quickly “get back on your feet” after a stormy feast.

How to relieve the condition without pills

You can get rid of a hangover without the help of medications. Folk remedies are available to almost every person.

Home remedies for hangovers aim to speed up the body's cleansing of toxins. To combat dehydration, it is advisable to drink mineral waters, for example “Essentuki”. The use of medicinal mineral water and normalization of water balance has the following effects on the body:

  • The level of hydrochloric acid in the stomach decreases;
  • Peristalsis is normalized;
  • The volume of circulating blood is replenished;
  • Tissue swelling is relieved;
  • Mineral reserves in the body are replenished;
  • Kidney function is activated.

The use of mineral waters, Regidron and the placement of a dropper are very important for relieving the symptoms of dehydration.

Foods that will help you recover from a hangover

You can reduce the intensity of a hangover by taking natural products. Some of these remedies can be found in every person’s home, so these recipes are widely available.

To combat a hangover, use the following products:

  • Decoctions of mint, lemon balm, motherwort and chamomile have a beneficial effect on the body and accelerate the elimination of toxins;
  • Chicken broth, eggs and boiled fish help fight a mild hangover. Protein and vitamins help the liver recover;
  • Tomato juice is involved in restoring the water-salt balance. It is better to use natural tomato juice;
  • Compotes and smoothies are vitamin “bombs” that improve the general condition of the body;
  • Tea with ginger and lemon will help quickly alleviate a person’s condition: eliminate nausea, anxiety and weakness.

There is a misconception among people that coffee helps to cheer up after a stormy feast. In fact, coffee only aggravates dehydration of the body, so it is better to replace a cup of aromatic drink with a glass of plain water.

Hangover dropper at home and in the clinic

The substance administered through a dropper quickly enters the bloodstream, activates the kidneys and quickly flushes toxins from the body.

A narcologist can administer an IV in a hospital setting or at home. The specialist uses water-salt solutions, vitamin and mineral complexes, hepatoprotectors and other drugs.

How does panic manifest itself?

The severity of fear during a hangover directly depends on the following factors:

  • Exactly how much alcohol was consumed.
  • What strength of drink was used?
  • What is the quality of the drink, that is, the presence of impurities, especially fusel oils.
  • What is the general health of the patient at the time of drinking alcohol, the presence of chronic diseases and mental health.

It is noteworthy that a woman’s body differently . Ethanol breaks down more slowly, so the severity of the toxic effects is less. For this reason, they experience feelings of anxiety and stress less often.

If you can still cope with fear on your own , then panic attacks have a more severe course with their own complications. They can be recognized by the following characteristics:

  • Increased heart rate.
  • Frequent breathing.
  • Severe fatigue.
  • Strong desire to sleep.
  • Tremor of arms and legs.
  • Frequent urge to go to the toilet.
  • A feeling of growing horror.
  • Visions of both auditory and visual nature.

Symptoms do not occur in full. As a rule, 2-3 symptoms are present. But the greater the volume drunk and the stronger the drinks, the more severe the condition. In patients who try to cope with binge drinking on their own without medical help, panic attacks are especially difficult . In the later stages of alcoholism, getting rid of panic attacks rarely gives lasting results. Such patients often commit suicide. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor at the first sign of panic due to a hangover.

Effective remedies to combat hangover syndrome

Traditional medicine offers many options for what to do with a hangover. The following methods are suitable for helping yourself at home with a minor hangover.

Vitamin C is good for hangovers

Vitamin C strengthens the immune system, binds toxins and promotes their rapid elimination from the body. To do this, it is advisable to drink water with lemon and lime juice, as well as herbal teas with a slice of lemon.

Water for a hangover

Drinking plenty of fluids helps stimulate blood circulation, normalize peristalsis and flush toxins from the body. Relieving a hangover requires using large amounts of clean filtered water.

Brine - the old-fashioned way

Brine really helps with hangovers due to the salts and dill essential oil it contains. These substances normalize the water-salt balance in the body and restore osmotic pressure in the blood. After vodka, you can use brine, clean water with lemon and soothing herbal teas.


Herbal teas have a beneficial effect on all body functions. Ginger tea with lemon, decoctions of motherwort, linden, rose hips, sea buckthorn and other herbs are very effective.

Natural juices

Fruit juices contain fructose, which speeds up the elimination of toxins from the body. Carrot and celery juice normalizes liver function, improves immunity and stimulates appetite.


Oatmeal with milk coats the walls of the stomach and has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract. Fiber, which is part of cereals, helps remove toxins from the body.

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Fun without consequences

Of course, we are all aware of the harm alcohol can cause to the body. But sometimes everyone wants to relax in a fun company. After this, it is important to alleviate as much as possible the possible consequences of intoxication and dehydration. It’s better to prevent them with proper prevention and moderate alcohol consumption.

Buy Polysorb in the online pharmacy of your city.

Traditional recipes for hangovers

Traditional medicine offers a large number of recipes that answer the question of what to drink for a hangover to improve your well-being.

Oatmeal broth

Decoction, jelly and oatmeal porridge have an adsorbing effect, have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and help remove excess fluid from the body. The use of oatmeal tea helps treat headaches and swelling.

Natural kvass

The use of natural kvass allows you to effectively combat dehydration, saturates the body with B vitamins and beneficial acids. It is important to note that only natural kvass without preservatives is suitable for strengthening the body.

Cocoa on water

A mixture of cocoa and water helps with a hangover. The substance saturates the body with magnesium, due to the lack of which the cardiovascular system suffers. In addition, the substance contains a number of antidepressants that are effective in combating anxiety.

What medications can help you cope with a hangover?

Traditional medicine will most effectively tell you how to deal with a hangover. The use of medications along with home treatments has an impressive therapeutic effect.

succinic acid

Succinic acid promotes intensive restoration of cells and tissues. Thanks to this, the elimination of toxins is accelerated, blood cells are saturated with oxygen, and overall immunity is increased.


The substance has an adsorbing effect and accelerates the removal of toxins from the body. The substance is used for intoxication, including hangover.


A cheap pharmaceutical product effectively eliminates headaches that arise the next morning after a feast. People suffering from stomach diseases should avoid taking aspirin.


The best remedy for poisoning effectively cleanses the body of toxins. The use of enterosgel helps to quickly remove toxins from the body, restore the functions of the liver and other organs.


The substance normalizes brain functions and has a general strengthening and tonic effect. The use of Glycine in combination with other medications helps to get rid of malaise and “prostration” in the morning.


White and black coal are considered the most effective budget sorbents. Compliance with the recommended dosage and plenty of drinking helps the body speed up the elimination of acetaldehyde.


An effective substance for activating the kidneys, combating dehydration and lack of minerals in the body. In order for the malaise to go away, it is necessary to combine Regidron with sorbents and symptomatic medications.

A few more tips

In case of panic attacks due to a hangover, you should lie down on a comfortable sofa, relax your body muscles, and try to breathe evenly. Also, treatment of panic attacks after alcohol should include drinking sedatives or herbal tea, cleansing the body of toxins. It is recommended to listen to pleasant , calm music or sounds of nature. You can sign up for a massage. Communication with loved ones, favorite hobbies, and walks in the fresh air will also help you distract from anxious thoughts.

As for the prevention of panic attacks, it is necessary to stop drinking alcohol (in whole or in part). Watch your diet and exercise. Spend more time outdoors, watch your sleep (it should be at least 8-10 hours). Visit an experienced neuropsychiatrist.

Panic attacks cannot be ignored.
Associated symptoms will only intensify over time. The support of loved ones is of great importance in the fight against attacks. It’s enough just to be nearby, talk , calm. Reproaches will only make the situation worse. You should remain as calm as possible. Instead of scandals, you need to convince your loved one to see a narcologist and change their lifestyle. Without this, all efforts will be in vain.

The best way to recover from a hangover

Detoxification with the participation of a drug addiction specialist will help you quickly get rid of hangover symptoms. The specialist determines the current drug and selects the dosage based on the patient’s medical history.

Home detoxification involves:

  • Use of droppers (saline solutions, hepatoprotectors, mineral complexes, etc.);
  • Use of medications (sorbents, antispasmodics, antihypertensive drugs, etc.);
  • Administration of injections as prescribed by a doctor.

Inpatient conditions provide a greater choice of detoxification methods (hardware methods of UBOR, ozone therapy, etc.).

Article prepared by an expert

Terekhova Anna Vladimirovna

psychologist-consultant on socio-psychological work with addicted clients and their families. More than 9 years of experience.

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4 comments on “Hangover: the most effective remedies”

  1. Vasya:

    August 8, 2021 at 15:25

    Hello colleagues. Nothing helps, I’ll die soon, what should I do??



      August 10, 2021 at 03:27 pm

      Hello. You can contact our center for a free consultation by phone. We have both paid and free treatment programs.


  2. Konstantin:

    August 8, 2021 at 03:34 pm

    Hello colleagues! Based on the information presented above, you claim that you can cure my alcoholism or hangover due to alcoholism. From many years of experience, I can say that nothing helps. I would like to clarify whether this text, written by a specialist, is true? I expect a response as soon as possible. Thank you! (c) Konstantin


The mental side of the appearance of fear

The appearance of anxiety can be explained not only by symptoms of poisoning of the body. Psychological components are also important. The severity of panic increases in those patients who are trying to find a way out of life’s problems in alcohol.

Dissatisfaction with family, problems at work, failures in love. All this is filled with another dose of alcohol. Severe intoxication causes panic and shame from the realization that a person is not able to control himself. This makes the situation even worse. Such patients suffer not only from panic attacks, but also from depression.

But the feeling of guilt arises only if the patient’s center responsible for memory has not yet been damaged. But more often, addicts experience short-term memory lapses. This can also cause fear . Such people do not remember where they drank, with whom, what they did and how they behaved. It scares them. For some, their memory is restored after another dose of alcohol, others learn the truth from their drinking buddies.

Memory loss explains the way some alcoholics behave. Immediately after drinking, they lose adequacy and may show aggression, but after sobering up they do not remember anything that happened. After loved ones tell them about how they behaved, stress and panic appear, followed by shame, since the situation cannot be corrected.

Scientists' conclusions

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Scientists coined the term “holiday heart syndrome” back in 1978. The most common disorders of this type are heart rhythm disturbances in the form of:

  • tachyarrhythmias (rapid heartbeat),
  • atrial fibrillation
  • and, subsequently, the development of alcoholic cardiomyopathy.

Scientists note that rhythm disturbances after drinking are not always associated with a person’s pre-existing cardiac pathology - even in a person who is relatively healthy somatically, arrhythmia may occur after drinking libations. It was also noted that in 90% of cases, the arrhythmia goes away on its own after a period of abstinence from alcohol, but in approximately 20–30% of cases, repeated episodes of heart rhythm disturbances are observed over the next 12 months.

It has been noted that the risk of stroke increases sharply when consuming:

  • more than 270 ml of ethyl alcohol per week - for men (the type of drink does not matter);
  • more than 200 ml of ethyl alcohol per week - for women.

The frequency of rhythm disturbances is directly dependent on the dose taken.
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What to do before the ambulance arrives

Before the ambulance arrives, you must:

  • lay the patient on a flat, hard surface, placing something under his head;
  • unfasten the top buttons of clothing, trouser belt;
  • ensure the flow of fresh air into the room;
  • place a Nitroglycerin or Validol tablet under your tongue;
  • If your blood pressure is high, give medicine to lower it.

All further actions must be coordinated with your doctor.

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