Swelling of the legs: causes, symptoms, treatment features

Often, at the end of the day, most people feel tired in their lower extremities, many of them complain of swelling and pain in their legs. The reasons for the appearance of these symptoms can be very diverse, including the presence of an advanced disease in the body. Therefore, if your leg is swollen and hurts for no reason, you need to consult a doctor who will find out why your legs are swollen and prescribe adequate therapy.

Types of swelling on the legs

Edema is classified into several types, depending on the reasons that caused it: • Congestive . They often form when vascular permeability increases, with excess pressure in the capillaries, which accompanies thrombophlebitis and varicose veins. In a healthy person, venous blood flow is directed under pressure from bottom to top; venous valves are responsible for this, which prevent reverse blood flow. The contraction of the muscles in the legs during movement creates a pumping effect. If this physiological mechanism is disrupted, the valves of the veins begin to allow blood to flow in two directions (not only up, but also down under the influence of gravity). As a result, stagnation occurs in the veins, venous pressure increases, and their walls lose tone and become thinner. As a result of thinning of the vessels, fluid from them penetrates into the tissues, causing swelling. In addition, congestion thickens the blood and causes excessive blood clots. • Hydromic . They are caused by the accumulation of excess fluid as a result of kidney disease. A decrease in their filtering abilities and damage to the tubules leads to a gradual movement of fluid from the bloodstream into the tissues. • Neuropathic. This type of swelling is typical for people who suffer from diabetes or alcoholism. The pathology can be caused by several factors. • Cachexic . They appear as a sign of nutritional deficiency. These are caused by poor protein nutrition, malignant neoplasms, and chronic anemia. • Allergic . The mechanism of their action is related to the body's reaction to allergens. This swelling develops rapidly and is accompanied by itching and redness of the skin. However, with correct treatment, it also quickly disappears. • Mechanical . They arise as a result of injuries as a response to damage to soft tissue structures, bone tissue, or compression of blood vessels. Sometimes mechanical swelling in the legs appears due to tumor processes. Regardless of the cause or type of swelling, a thorough examination and competent therapy are required.

Physiological reasons

In a healthy person, edema may appear in the evenings after heavy physical exertion or prolonged standing as a result of increased hydrostatic pressure in the blood vessels. The likelihood of swelling increases in the heat, when staying in a stuffy room or at high altitude, when drinking a large volume of liquid, excessively enjoying salty foods, and abusing alcoholic beverages (salt and alcohol retain water).

Swelling of the feet is especially common in women when wearing high-heeled or high-platform shoes. Due to the unnatural position of the foot, blood circulation in the lower extremities is significantly impaired, which leads to stagnation and accumulation of fluid. Similar processes are observed if you wear too narrow shoes and shoes with flat soles.

For physiological reasons, the swelling is mild and symmetrically covers the ankles and feet (occasionally the lower legs). When pressed with a finger, they leave an instantly disappearing mark. After rest they disappear completely.

If the legs swell for physiological reasons in women and men, then there is no need for special treatment. It is enough to adjust your lifestyle.

Hormonal fluctuations in women

In women, before the onset of menstruation, the concentration of progesterone in the blood decreases, which can cause fluid retention, causing pasty (swelling) ankles. Swelling is most pronounced during premenstrual syndrome.

During menopause, hormonal levels are constantly changing, so women may periodically swell their lower extremities. This problem can also be the result of hormone replacement therapy.

During reproductive age, swelling of the legs may occur when taking oral contraceptives.

What to do with swelling

If swelling develops, especially if it is chronic, you should immediately consult a doctor. To establish the true cause of fluid accumulation, specialists will definitely prescribe a wide range of studies. As a rule, diagnosis begins with a physical examination of the patient and collection of anamnesis, after which the patient undergoes tests and, if necessary, undergoes instrumental examinations.

• General and biochemical blood tests show the level of red blood cells, hemoglobin, ESR, cholesterol. This is necessary to exclude atherosclerotic vascular lesions and gout. • Blood sugar test to rule out diabetes. • Urinalysis to quantify protein levels. • Hormonal tests. • Ultrasound and electrocardiography to detect heart and vascular diseases.

After general examinations, the doctor can refer the patient to specialized specialists for additional diagnostics if certain pathologies are suspected. For example, if varicose veins are suspected, an ultrasound scan of the veins in the legs may be prescribed. In any case, diagnosis and therapy should be carried out exclusively by a doctor. It is important to eliminate not only swelling, but the underlying disease that caused it. The type (drug or non-drug, surgical, conservative) and intensity of therapy are also selected by a specialist. For example, for heart or kidney disease, certain diuretics are prescribed.

When it comes to varicose veins, the basic drugs are venotonics or phleboprotectors, which correct disturbances in the functioning of the venous circulatory system, strengthen blood vessels and restore venous flow. Special ointments and gels are also used that reduce skin sensitivity and discomfort in areas of swelling. In some cases, wearing compression garments is indicated to relieve symptoms. In the later stages of varicose veins, the problem can only be solved through surgery - for this, phlebectomy, sclerotherapy or EVLO (endovasal laser obliteration) is prescribed. However, in some cases it is possible to get rid of swelling without medication or surgery.

Osteopathy is a system of diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, internal organs and systems without drugs. It is based on the anatomical-functional unity of the body and uses manual methods that restore the body's ability to heal itself.

Changes in the legs can be caused by weakness, overexertion, muscle or joint stiffness. The osteopathic correction scheme depends on the complexity, severity of the pathological process and the root causes that caused it.

In the initial stages of the disease, osteopathic manipulations help avoid the progression of leg disease, preventing the need for drug therapy and surgical intervention on the legs.

Osteopathic medicine views the human body as a single system that constantly adapts to new conditions. When any organ is ill or injured, other systems regulate and compensate for its functioning, which causes pain, swelling or inflammation.

Osteopathic treatment of swelling at the Quality of Life clinic is aimed at normalizing metabolism and digestive processes, which has a beneficial effect on the health of the entire body as a whole. Osteocorrection affects all systems, normalizes their functioning and brings them to a natural state. It allows you to effectively eliminate all negative phenomena, including swelling, shortness of breath, heartburn, disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract and the musculoskeletal system. Osteopathic medicine has no contraindications and can be used by both pregnant women and children.

Our doctors use gentle techniques that relieve tension, normalize blood circulation and lymph flow in the legs, improve vascular tone, provide lymphatic drainage and reduce fluid accumulation. In addition, this impact:

• relaxes muscles and fascia; • reduces or completely eliminates pain; • normalizes metabolism and hormonal levels; • restores anatomical mobility of joints.

Work is also carried out at the level of the diaphragm - thoraco-abdominal and pelvic. This normalizes pressure in the abdominal cavity, restores the functionality of all organs and systems, including blood vessels, which, due to disorders, are forced to work harder. As a result, the entire body is brought into a state of harmonious balance, which has a positive effect on the hormonal and psycho-emotional background. Working with soft tissues normalizes blood and lymph flow. This improves the nutrition of bones and joints, which do not have blood vessels, so the main source of nutrients in them is only the surrounding tissue. Improving bone nutrition eliminates pathological processes faster.

Treatment with lymphatic drainage massage is highly effective. It improves lymph flow, accelerates metabolic processes, relieves swelling and stabilizes the functioning of the central nervous system. This method is combined with other physiotherapeutic procedures - physical therapy, kinesiological taping, compression therapy.

Complex therapy, combining different methods, promotes a speedy recovery by reducing inflammation and swelling of tissues, improving blood circulation at the site of inflammation. As a result, recovery occurs much faster. Preventive courses every six months reduce the likelihood of exacerbations of swelling in the legs. The combination of osteopathy, manual therapy, kinesiotherapy and exercise therapy forms new motor patterns in the legs, stops the progression of diseases, prevents exacerbations and improves the quality of life. The set of physical exercises is selected individually by the attending physician, but even if you do simple movements correctly, they will have results.


Experienced phlebologists at the Yusupov Hospital establish the cause of edema already at the first examination, taking into account the type of edema, its location (on the ankles, calves, ankles, feet), consistency and degree of mobility.
To confirm the diagnosis, patients are prescribed a comprehensive examination using ultra-modern diagnostic equipment at the Yusupov Hospital. In case of edema, the following laboratory tests and instrumental studies are recommended:

  • general and biochemical blood tests, which allow you to determine the level of glucose, protein, as well as other vital indicators;
  • electrocardiograms of the heart, echocardiography - to identify or exclude heart failure;
  • Doppler examination of leg vessels - to detect inflammatory processes and blood clots.

Based on the diagnostic results, an individual treatment strategy for the underlying disease is developed for each patient using the latest techniques that guarantee high efficiency.


To achieve and maintain the effect, the action plan, in addition to the main therapy, may include compliance with certain lifestyle recommendations. These include: • Do not sit for a long time in one position with your legs tucked. • Change shoes frequently (at least 1-2 times throughout the day). • Periodically massage your feet using rubbing or pinching movements. • Balance your diet by adding foods with potassium and reducing your intake of sodium-rich foods. • When sleeping, place a special cushion or a regular pillow under your shins so that your lower extremities are above the level of your heart. Before going to bed, you need to raise them and keep them in this position for 5-10 minutes to relieve accumulated fatigue and tension. • In the early stages of varicose veins, physiotherapy, diet therapy and physical therapy are very useful, which can only be done under strict medical supervision.

Unfortunately, with an advanced disease, it is not possible to limit yourself to just lifestyle changes or physical activity - edema requires therapy. Therefore, you need to consult a doctor in a timely manner, preferably at the earliest stages of the development of the pathology, so that all the unpleasant sensations in the legs go away and your gait becomes light and relaxed again. Then the treatment will be effective, and the chances of a full recovery will be as high as possible.

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Other reasons

The answer to the question “Why do my legs swell and how to deal with it?” People suffering from:

  • endocrine pathologies (myxedema, hypothyroidism, hyperaldosteronism, Ishchenko-Cushing's disease);
  • exhaustion (anorexia nervosa, nutritional cachexia, severe weight loss after serious illness or surgery);
  • nervous disorders (paresis, paralysis).

In the above cases, the edema is mild or moderate, symmetrical (with the exception of unilateral paralysis), soft. They do not change during the day, occasionally increasing in the evenings.

  • Allergic reactions Under the influence of allergens, fluid rapidly accumulates in the tissues, which leads to instant swelling of the legs. In this case, the skin becomes red in color and itching appears.
  • Obesity Due to excess weight, pressure on the lymphatic vessels and veins increases, which leads to disruption of lymphatic and venous outflow.
  • Taking medications Some medications (vasodilators, antihypertensives, antidiabetics, calcium channel blockers, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) can cause swelling of the lower extremities.
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