What types of massage can be done for varicose veins of the legs and lower extremities

Varicose veins are not just a cosmetic defect. If the symptoms of pathology are ignored, there is a high probability of developing serious complications associated with the formation of blood clots. This is a life-threatening condition - a blood clot can break off at any time and migrate through the bloodstream. The probability of death if a blood clot enters the lungs or heart is 90%. That is why it is important to monitor the condition of dilated veins and take the necessary measures to eliminate the symptoms of the pathology.

Complex treatment of the disease

Treatment of varicose veins involves:

  • Complete cessation of bad habits. No cigarettes, alcoholic beverages - all this has a sharply negative effect on the cardiovascular system.
  • Power control. It is necessary to create a complete, varied menu and stick to it. Fatty, fried, salty, smoked, flour, sweet, and semi-finished products should be excluded from the diet.
  • Moderate physical activity. People with varicose veins need to walk at least half an hour a day, avoid prolonged static loads, and refuse to engage in strength sports.
  • Taking medications that control blood pressure and blood viscosity. Here it is important not to self-medicate, but to strictly follow the doctor’s prescriptions, because each patient’s body is individual.
  • Folk remedies. Compresses and herbal decoctions help normalize blood pressure and increase the tone of the vascular walls.
  • Wearing compression stockings. Medical underwear is also prescribed by a specialist - it is important to choose stockings/tights with an appropriate level of compression so as not to aggravate the situation.
  • Massage. Local impact on the affected areas of the vascular bed has a proven effect.

It is permissible to do not just any massage for varicose veins of the lower extremities. Before choosing a technique, you must consult with a specialist. Let's figure out whether it is possible to do massage for varicose veins, accompanied by complications, which techniques to use and which should be abandoned.

What is harmful to your feet?

Foot care should be one of the priorities for each of us. Foot diseases (for example, mycosis) should not be allowed to develop, because over time this problem can turn out to be very serious and difficult to treat. Healthy-looking feet have a significant impact on our well-being. Then we are not ashamed to wear sandals or flip-flops. We also do not experience any discomfort in this regard.

Our feet suffer very often, but not so much because of external or internal factors, but because of our behavior. We contribute to their condition by practicing bad habits. And this applies primarily to walking in tight, heavy and non-breathable shoes. Poor foot health is also caused by excess weight and a diet low in silicon, zinc and magnesium. It is worth knowing that eating pumpkin, sesame seeds, nuts, spinach, parsley, oats, almonds and sea fish contribute to foot health. By providing the body with the right amount of minerals, we strengthen muscles and bones (this also applies to the feet).

Why not all types of massage can be done for varicose veins

Some types of massage involve intense physical impact on the affected areas. In the case of varicose veins, this can harm the already weakened walls of blood vessels. Certain techniques can provoke rupture of veins, internal bleeding, and the formation of hematomas.

The main contraindications to massage of leg veins with varicose veins are:

  • progressive disease at stage 3 or subsequent;
  • varicose veins of deep veins;
  • the presence of trophic ulcers, phlebitis, thrombophlebitis;
  • decompensation of pathology.

Before choosing a massage technique, it is necessary to conduct a blood clotting test. If this indicator is elevated, any massage technique is contraindicated for the patient.

What are varicose veins?

Varicose veins, or varicose veins, are a problem for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle or those who are exposed to severe physical activity. It is accompanied by pain, swelling, and constant fatigue of the lower extremities. The pathology progresses rapidly and therefore leads to serious complications.

The mechanism of development of varicose veins is associated with deterioration of blood circulation, weakening of venous walls and valves. Legs affected by the disease look unattractive - swollen, with bulging veins, pronounced vascular network. Varicose veins lead to serious complications - trophic ulcers, increased risk of thrombosis and bleeding.

What are the benefits of acceptable types of massage?

Massage for varicose veins has a proven effect. Using the procedure it is possible to:

  • normalize lymphatic drainage and blood flow;
  • reduce swelling of the lower extremities;
  • relieve pain syndrome;
  • start the process of regeneration of vessel walls;
  • improve the tone of the vascular bed.

Massage also helps to relax and eliminate congestion in the lower extremities. Leg massage for varicose veins is an effective prevention of the formation of necrosis and trophic ulcers.

What are the benefits of foot massage?

Increased immunity

If you are experiencing or have been exposed to prolonged stress, you should massage your feet more often. It helps reduce stress and strengthen the immune system. You can achieve these benefits by getting massage regularly, preferably daily. The process should take no more than 15 minutes.

Pain relief

Any pain indicates the presence of some disease. Undoubtedly, in order to get rid of it, you need to find out its cause and contact a specialist. However, foot massage may also be helpful during treatment.

Fighting depression

Foot massage not only fights stress, but also helps overcome depression. During a massage, endorphins are released, which significantly improve your mood.

Better blood circulation

A sedentary lifestyle, little physical activity, and uncomfortable shoes lead to poor blood circulation. If you are someone with circulatory problems, you should massage your feet for at least 10 minutes every day. Thanks to this, you will provide oxygen to every cell of your body.

Basic rules for performing massage

There are several basic massage rules that must be followed for varicose veins:

  • exposure to the skin should be performed slowly, smoothly, calmly;
  • massage movements are carried out in the direction from bottom to top - from the foot to the groin;
  • it is necessary to alternate techniques such as rubbing and kneading with stroking;
  • It is strictly forbidden to make intermittent movements, tap strongly, or sharply press on the skin;
  • Do not use massage products with substances that increase local temperature;
  • if varicose veins affect only one limb, the massage should begin with the healthy leg.

Benefits of foot massagers

The most obvious effect we get from the work of a massager is relieving the feeling of heaviness that occurs in the legs after a hard day. But the impact of this useful device is not limited to this! Hardware massage promotes proper blood and lymph circulation. It eliminates swelling that leads to overstretching of veins, and therefore ensures the prevention of varicose veins.

In addition, the feet are truly a magical part of the body. They contain more than 150 biologically active points, known to the masters of oriental medicine since ancient times. Did you know that the inner edge of the foot is connected to the spine, the balls of the toes are connected to the back of the head, and the area located at the beginning of the arch of the left leg is connected to the heart? By influencing these and other points on the soles of the feet, the massager helps to improve the functioning of the entire body.

Types of massage for varicose veins of the legs

The choice of massage type directly depends on how far the pathological process with varicose veins has progressed. Let's look at the most popular techniques and find out which of them are acceptable and which ones should absolutely not be used.

Classic massage

Classic massage techniques involve a deep impact on the skin, muscles, and subcutaneous tissue. The massage therapist uses different techniques - stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration. This technique can be used on any areas of the body where there are no varicose veins. You cannot massage the part of the limb where dilated veins are visible.

Anticellulite massage

This technique involves an aggressive effect on the patient’s skin. The procedure is quite painful, and bruises and bruises often occur after it. This is natural, because the goal of anti-cellulite massage is to maximize blood circulation in the subcutaneous fat tissue.

This technique can be used for varicose veins only in areas where there are no affected veins. Even if spider veins are present, the procedure should be abandoned and another technique should be chosen.

Lymphatic drainage massage

This technique can be performed manually or using a special apparatus. The manual technique involves a thorough examination of the lymph nodes, after which the specialist massages the limbs with gentle movements, moving from the periphery to the center.

Hardware lymphatic drainage massage for varicose veins involves placing the patient's legs in special pneumatic stockings filled with air, which imitates the forward movements of the massage therapist's hands.

Lymphatic drainage massage is one of the safest and most effective methods for dilating veins. It can be done both at the initial stage of pathology development and at later stages. Lymphatic drainage for varicose veins reduces congestion in the limbs, eliminates excess fluid, reduces swelling, and restores normal blood microcirculation. The only contraindication for lymphatic drainage massage is skin breakdown.

Vacuum (cupping) massage

This technique is permissible only as a preventive measure for pathology. If you already have varicose veins, vacuum massage is strictly contraindicated. The procedure involves a strong physical impact on the skin, which can cause rupture of the walls of damaged blood vessels. Affected veins quickly collapse even under low pressure, not to mention the effects of a vacuum. Therefore, if you have varicose veins, cupping massage cannot be performed.

Honey massage

The technique involves exposure to the skin, in which heated honey is driven into it. The skin becomes irritated, the pores expand, as a result of which biologically active substances penetrate into the dermis. This stimulates blood circulation and saturates tissues with useful microelements. This technique has proven effectiveness for patients with healthy veins.

In the presence of varicose veins, honey massage can be performed exclusively in the initial stages of development of the pathology. When there are obvious changes in blood vessels, darkening of the skin, and pain, this technique will only do harm. Therefore, before you sign up for the procedure, be sure to consult a doctor. He will conduct an examination and determine whether a honey massage is suitable for you or not.

Thai massage

The procedure involves influencing acupuncture points. During Thai massage, the specialist presses on certain areas not only with his fingers, but also with his elbows and even his knees. This will not bring any benefit to diseased vessels. This technique is acceptable as a prevention of varicose veins.

Underwater massage

A pleasant procedure during which the skin is treated with a hydromassage. The patient is placed in a special container where jets of water are applied to the body, treating both problem areas and the entire surface of the skin.

Massage using a hydromassage has a proven preventive effect. However, it is not suitable for the treatment of varicose veins. Strong water pressure damages blood vessels.


You can do massage for varicose veins at home. However, the process must be approached as carefully as possible. Damaged vessels are very weakened - even a slight impact on them can lead to serious consequences.

Here are some tips for self-massage that will help not harm your veins:

  • make gentle movements, do not put pressure on the skin;
  • direction of movement – ​​from bottom to top, from feet to hips;
  • do not touch areas with protruding veins;
  • do not use warming creams.

Self-massage of the feet is also allowed - if there is no swelling or swollen blood vessels on them. Make light, gentle movements: no pinching or pressing. The procedure will help restore blood flow in the damaged limb and relieve the feeling of fatigue. You can complete your foot self-massage with a warm bath of flavored sea salt.

Rules for a successful massage

We have already found out what type of massage is safe and effective for varicose veins. Now it’s worth finding out the main principles of its successful implementation.

  1. Good massage therapist. The selection of a specialist should be taken responsibly. It is important to take into account his work experience and study reviews about him. Only a professional can carry out the procedure in such a way that it contributes to the patient’s speedy recovery.
  2. Power of influence. If you choose self-massage, be sure to consider the force with which the procedure should be carried out. All movements should be performed very smoothly and softly. Intensive kneading should be avoided, because high pressure can only worsen the condition of the blood vessels and aggravate the disease.
  3. Avoid creams and oils. Warm, clean hands are all you need to perform the massage. There is no need to use auxiliary means.
  4. Combination with physical exercise. If a foot massage is carried out after the patient has performed gymnastic exercises, its effectiveness will be increased several times. This approach will help strengthen the veins and accelerate blood flow in them.

Treatment of varicose veins with massage

Thus, the answer to the question “is it possible to massage the legs with varicose veins” is definitely yes. However, you should first consult with a doctor who will help you choose the appropriate technique for each specific case. When choosing a massage method, the doctor will be guided by the degree of development of the pathology and the condition of the patient’s body. The only technique acceptable for advanced varicose veins is lymphatic drainage. Other methods can be used only in the early stages of the disease.

Also, you should only sign up for a massage with experienced specialists with medical education, perfection of the human body structure and knowledge of suitable massage techniques.


Massage procedures are not recommended for certain diseases. It is also impossible to conduct sessions in case of exacerbation of varicose veins or in case of advanced varicose veins.

For varicose veins of different stages, a special massage is needed

Before starting the procedures, it is necessary to exclude the following contraindications:

  • infectious diseases (flu, typhus, etc.);
  • body temperature 38 degrees or higher;
  • injuries or inflammation of the spine;
  • tendency to bleed (poor clotting);
  • menstruation in women;
  • lymphangitis;
  • the presence of severe inflammation of the veins;
  • thrombosis;
  • the presence of open wounds, purulent processes, etc. on the skin;
  • dermatological pathologies;
  • nausea accompanied by vomiting;
  • being under the influence of drugs or alcohol;
  • taking certain medications (especially narcotics);
  • mental illness.

There may also be individual contraindications for concomitant diseases. For example, procedures cannot be performed for certain forms of cancer or epilepsy.

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