fatty degeneration of the myocardium
Why do dystrophic changes occur in the myocardium?
Myocardial dystrophy is a complex pathological process in cells (cardiomyocytes), leading to depletion of energy
INR blood test: what is it and how long should it be in adults?
Warfarin Monitoring A prerequisite for therapy with Warfarin is the patient’s strict adherence to taking the recommended
Early symptoms of a heart attack
How dangerous is the effect of low blood pressure on the heart?
The article was checked by doctors at Euromed Clinic✅ As data accumulates on the possible consequences of COVID-19
Frederick's syndrome: ECG signs, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Frederick's syndrome is a deadly organic pathology. Its essence lies in the disruption of normal
They may not be able to save you the second time. How to prevent recurrent myocardial infarction
What kind of disease is this and what are its causes? The main etiological cause of acute infarction
Ultrasound in early pregnancy
Ultrasound at 6 weeks of pregnancy: how they do it, what it shows, ultrasound norms
How does the embryo develop in the period from 3 to 5 weeks? Gestation period from
On the issue of ECG diagnosis of right ventricular myocardial infarction
On the issue of ECG diagnosis of right ventricular myocardial infarction The article draws attention to the importance of diagnosis
Periodic ECG checking during treatment of extrasystole
Frequent ventricular extrasystole: causes and treatment of the disease
Ventricular extrasystole Often occurs in acute myocardial infarction and dyselectrolythemia. Rare extrasystoles may be
Chronic venous insufficiency of the lower extremities (CVI)
There are contraindications. Specialist consultation is required. Forms of the disease Causes of development Symptoms Who is at risk?
Coffee for cardiac arrhythmia
Coffee and alcohol turned out to be the main triggers for atrial fibrillation
Irina Baranova Cardiologist Higher education: Cardiologist Kuban State Medical University (Kuban State Medical University, Kuban State Medical Academy, Kuban State Medical Institute) Level
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