Local therapist Burnatskaya Svetlana Nikolaevna Experience 33 years Local therapist, occupational pathologist. Member of the Russian Scientific Medical
Which dried fruits are healthy? The most commonly used are dried grapes, plums and apricots. Much less commonly used
Pathologies of the cardiovascular system require regular monitoring and special care for the patient. They are dangerous fast
Arterial hypertension (hypertensive disease) is a disease, the main and main symptom of which is persistent
Clinical picture Manifestations of cardiopathy differ depending on its form. For the congestive variety of the disease
Useful articles / August 8, 2019 People are used to blaming gastritis and ulcers on
Despite the fact that medicine does not stand still, about diseases, their prevention and
The human heart works like a pump. Due to the properties of the myocardium (excitability, ability to contract, conductivity, automaticity), it
Anonymous Around the clock Attention! The material contains information about substances, the use of which can cause serious harm.
Hemoptysis is a frightening condition in which during coughing it is periodically released along with sputum.