In this article we will tell you: Is it possible to take vitamins for diabetes mellitus 1 and 2?
What is “good” and “bad” cholesterol? Lipoproteins, molecules,
Information about other types of diseases starting with the letter “V”: Vegetative state, Ventricular, Vestibular ataxia, Vestibular
Most abdominal organs are supplied with blood from the celiac trunk, superior and inferior mesenteric arteries and
When examining healthy people, only total cholesterol is included in the biochemical analysis: if it is in
Functional classification of pulmonary hypertension Class I no restriction of physical activity. Regular physical activity is not
Early ventricular repolarization syndrome - what is it? General information Specific cardiac syndrome is detected
General information As statistical studies show, myocardial infarction develops more often in older men
Atherosclerosis is a chronic disease of the arteries that occurs due to impaired fat and protein metabolism
Weather sensitivity is the body's sensitivity to changes in weather conditions. Today this relationship has been scientifically confirmed,