Healing mudras for a healthy heart and strong blood vessels
. Ritual gestures, or mudras, were invented by ancient yogis as a means of maintaining inner
Table 2. Main parameters of the SDS test in patients with paroxysmal SVT at baseline and after 6 months. therapy with bisoprolol or sotalol (M±SD)
The effectiveness of therapy with bisoprolol and sotalol in patients with paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, taking into account the regulatory-adaptive status
Introduction One of the most common forms of cardiac arrhythmias is paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (SVT).
The effects of alcohol on the heart - Site
Coronavirus vaccination: what you need to know about unwanted effects
Who, if not pharmacists and pharmacists, should know that ethanol is a typical representative of monatomic
Atmosphere pressure
What is atmospheric pressure and what does it affect?
What is atmospheric pressure? All bodies in the Universe tend to attract each other.
“Jellyfish head” on the stomach: why it occurs, how to treat
“Jellyfish head” is one of the symptoms of portal hypertension developing in various pathologies, which manifests itself
Pressure danger 210 to 100, first aid
12/04/2018 AA (Last update: 07/10/2019) There are contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required Annually complications of cardiovascular diseases
How to give a subcutaneous injection of a blood thinner using a prefilled syringe
This information explains how to prepare and give a subcutaneous injection (shot) of a blood thinner.
Do they take into the army with VSD (diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia)
Home » Articles » Schedule of illnesses » Do they take into the army with VSD Updated:
Rehabilitation after a stroke: how to speed up recovery
Stroke is considered to be a disease of old people, but often the disease manifests itself in working age. Beginning with
Blood cancer: how long do they live with different forms of pathology?
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