December 10, 2019
Every pregnant woman needs to control many different factors that could potentially affect her condition: nutrition, lifestyle, stress, environment, bad habits, etc. It is important to closely monitor your health, because the baby’s health directly depends on it. One of the key points in this issue is the level of blood pressure, at high levels of which the risk of developing conditions that threaten the lives of both the expectant mother and the child increases.
What is normal blood pressure? This indicator cannot be universal for everyone. It is generally accepted that the range from 120/80 to 140/90 is a conditional norm. If the pressure level is below the minimum value, then the person is diagnosed with “hypotension”, if higher - “arterial hypertension” (AH). The goal of treating such deviations is to bring the pressure into the specified range with the help of drug therapy and non-drug measures (physical activity, proper nutrition, reducing stress levels, walking in the fresh air, normalizing weight, etc.). During pregnancy, the lower end of the range may drop to 90/60. This variation in indicators is characterized by the fact that the expectant mother’s body undergoes constant changes, which certainly affects her condition and well-being. Therefore, the pressure can “jump” from the lower to the upper limit. Even if nothing bothers a woman, it is important to control her blood pressure. Moreover, it is worth measuring it not only during scheduled visits to the doctor, but also independently every day. In cases where the expectant mother’s blood pressure exceeds the upper conventional norm, during pregnancy it has increased significantly compared to normal, or the diastolic (lower) pressure was recorded at least once above 110, then most likely the doctor will diagnose “hypertension.” And here you can’t do without treatment.
It is worth measuring your blood pressure not only during routine visits to the doctor, but also doing it yourself every day.
High blood pressure: is it so dangerous?
High blood pressure leads to changes in tissues and organs, primarily affecting the cardiovascular system. At the same time, the baby is also involved in this process - the mother’s pressure prevents the correct formation of organs, as a result of which the child may develop congenital defects of the heart, blood vessels, circulatory system, etc. So, what are the pathological conditions associated with high blood pressure in the mother? can affect the baby's health? As a result of hypertension, disturbances in the blood supply to the placenta occur - preeclampsia
The main symptoms to look out for are: persistent headaches, stomach pain, vision changes such as blurred vision, spots or lights, swelling of the face or hands, nausea or vomiting, sudden weight gain and breathing problems. Often, preeclampsia has no obvious symptoms. This is another reason why it is extremely important to receive regular prenatal care, monitor your blood pressure, and have urine and blood tests. They will help identify liver or kidney dysfunction. The most dangerous complication of preeclampsia is eclampsia
, a condition in which a woman’s blood circulation to the brain is impaired. This leads to a sudden seizure with severe convulsions and coma, which can result in the death of the mother or miscarriage.
The mother's pressure prevents the correct formation of organs, as a result of which the child may develop congenital defects of the heart, blood vessels, and circulatory system.
Arterial hypertension is not always an independent disease. Sometimes high blood pressure becomes a marker of another dangerous condition. One of these pathological conditions is gestosis
, which can provoke dysfunction of a woman’s vital organs.
The main symptoms of gestosis are high blood pressure, persistent swelling and increased protein content in the urine. With this complication during pregnancy, kidney function is disrupted, and eclampsia also develops, as mentioned above. By the way, currently there are not only personal tonometers, but also personal urine analyzers that reliably determine the protein content in the urine and can be connected to a smartphone. Another danger associated with high blood pressure is fetoplacental insufficiency
, in which the oxygen supply to the fetus is disrupted.
This is fraught with stopping its development and can lead to the death of the fetus. Premature placental abruption
is a complication also caused by high blood pressure. And if in the later stages, closer to childbirth, such a pathological condition can still be resolved favorably, then at the beginning or middle of pregnancy, premature birth ends in the death of the baby.
Is it possible to influence your own blood pressure?
How do hypotensive patients usually increase their blood pressure? The first thing that comes to mind is special medications. But their action is harmful to the unborn child. The effect of such drugs is to narrow the blood vessels. But this necessarily affects the blood supply to the fetus. Together with the blood, the baby does not receive enough nutrients necessary for growth. As a result, there is a risk of developmental defects.
This means we need to look for other ways to cope with the pressure. There are many of them, and they should be used in combination.
- For dizziness and weakness caused by low blood pressure, it is good to lie down for a while with your legs elevated. Blood will flow from the lower extremities to the upper body. The brain will be saturated with oxygen, and your health will improve. By the way, this pose is also useful for preventing varicose veins.
- Another quick way to raise blood pressure is a contrast shower. You need to finish the procedure with cold water.
- Three minute rule. When you wake up, you don’t need to immediately jump out of bed. This can cause a sharp drop in pressure. It’s better to lie down for at least another 3-5 minutes and then get up. You can even eat something right there, in bed. It is convenient to keep a small food supply on the bedside table: crackers, bread or dry biscuits.
- To keep your blood vessels in good shape, you should not neglect physical exercise for pregnant women, swimming and other acceptable physical activities.
- Sometimes you can afford to drink a cup of coffee, but not too strong. Sweet tea can also help. A few slices of chocolate are a good “cure” in this case.
- Another secret is proper nutrition. You need to eat in accordance with the dietary recommendations for expectant mothers. Eat food often, but in small portions.
- Don't forget about the drinking regime. Sometimes it happens that the doctor insists on limiting fluid intake, for example, due to kidney problems. But if there is no such restriction, you need to drink more water and juices. It is better to discuss the exact amount of drinking with your pregnancy doctor.
- And finally, perhaps the simplest and most accessible way to raise blood pressure is to walk more. Fresh air significantly improves your well-being. Not only does blood pressure go up, but also mood, which is also important for the expectant mother.
What should you pay attention to?
Symptoms that may alert you include tinnitus, spots before the eyes, headache, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, increased swelling, as well as red spots on the skin after minor physical activity or minor stress. These signs are sure companions of high pressure and should not be ignored. However, high blood pressure does not always manifest itself. You can completely calmly go about your daily activities and not even suspect that “bad” changes are happening in your body. That is why you need to independently monitor your blood pressure level.
You can completely calmly go about your daily activities and not even suspect that “bad” changes are happening in your body.
A woman's condition during pregnancy is constantly changing. Toxicosis, fatigue or hyperactivity, despondency or, conversely, emotional excitement - all this, within reasonable limits, is the norm. But if any symptoms seem inappropriate to you, it is better to consult a doctor for advice.
Foods that increase blood pressure
A proper diet will help regulate tone, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and normalize blood flow. It is advisable to eat 4-5 times a day, in small portions. Take dietary recipes as a basis: meat (fish) + vegetables + fruits. Carbohydrates lead in the rate of absorption, but you should not consume them in large quantities. A small piece of chocolate or honey will help you quickly restore your well-being. Foods to increase blood pressure should be:
- healthy, containing iron;
- healthy, containing flavonoids;
- rich in proteins.
Where does high blood pressure come from?
High blood pressure can accompany a woman during pregnancy if she was previously diagnosed with hypertension. In this case, it is doubly important to monitor your condition and listen to all the doctor’s recommendations. You should not take the same medications that were prescribed before pregnancy, as they may affect the development of the fetus. There are medications that do not have side effects on the baby; your doctor will select them for you.
There are medications for blood pressure that do not have side effects on the baby; your doctor will select them for you.
You can also “acquire” high blood pressure as a result of constant stress, heredity, smoking, overweight or obesity, diabetes mellitus or other concomitant diseases of the kidneys, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, or pituitary gland. In any case, consultation with a specialist is necessary to minimize the risk of developing hypertension while expecting a child. To do this, it is advisable at the stage of pregnancy planning to eliminate all provoking factors, cure concomitant diseases, and get rid of bad habits.
Karina, 32 years old
I never thought that without pills you can normally increase your blood pressure during pregnancy! You just need to follow the rules of a healthy diet and add healthy fruits and vegetables to your diet. For example, cranberry helped me a lot. I don’t like to eat it, it’s very sour, but the drink turns out very tasty. Even after giving birth, I eat only healthy food.
Alesya, 41 years old
I got pregnant late, at 40 years old. With my low blood pressure, I was initially prepared for possible complications. However, after reading information on the Internet and consulting with a neurologist, who told me how to increase blood pressure during pregnancy, I decided to focus on physical therapy. In addition, I carefully monitored my diet, avoiding unhealthy hamburgers, chips and crackers. The result is an independent birth and a healthy girl weighing 3.4 kg.
Marianna, 17 years old
I have had low blood pressure for life, and when I came to register as pregnant at 16 years old, the doctor was horrified. I was very worried that this could affect the child, I didn’t know what to do, so when the local police officer advised me how to normalize blood pressure during pregnancy (drink herbal infusions and beet juice), I followed the instructions without hesitation. I want to say that it’s been two weeks since I safely gave birth to a healthy baby, everything helped! You don’t have to overpay for expensive medications; proper nutrition is the most effective way.
How to lower blood pressure?
Self-medication during pregnancy is contraindicated.
Drugs that have helped someone close to you may have a negative impact on your health and the health of your baby. Therefore, all medications should be prescribed by a doctor after a comprehensive examination. It is worth abandoning the independent choice of herbal medicines and dietary supplements. Pregnancy is a contraindication for taking most of them. They can enhance or slow down the effect of the medications you take, cause allergies and a number of other complications. In order for your blood pressure to remain normal, it is important to control your weight, exercise (of course, within reasonable limits and after consulting a doctor), eliminate foods that increase blood pressure (coffee, strong black tea, chocolate) from your diet, and give up bad habits. High blood pressure is a condition that can and should be dealt with, especially during pregnancy. To prevent the development of complications associated with hypertension, it is enough to control your blood pressure and follow simple doctor’s recommendations. And then you and your baby will be healthy. Tags:
- Pressure
- pregnancy
- complications
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How to raise blood pressure during pregnancy
What to do if your blood pressure drops suddenly during pregnancy, severe weakness, darkening of the eyes, and dizziness appear? In this case, you need to sit down or take a horizontal position, provide an influx of fresh air, and drink a cup of sweet black tea. You can massage the area between your upper lip and nose clockwise. These measures are usually enough to quickly normalize blood pressure.
If we are not talking about a sharp and strong decrease, but about a relatively long-term condition, lifestyle correction is necessary. A pregnant woman with hypotension should spend a lot of time in the fresh air, as her body needs an increased supply of oxygen, but she should not move away from home alone (pressure can drop sharply during a walk).
Physical therapy exercises will help normalize blood pressure
A complex of physical therapy is shown, which is carried out under the guidance of an experienced instructor in a antenatal clinic or parenting school.
You need to sleep at least 9 hours a day.
Night shift work and heavy types of labor are contraindicated.
Reduced blood pressure poses a danger to a pregnant woman and the developing fetus if the decrease is significant and remains at this level for a long time.
Which tablets can be used for hypotension in pregnant women should be decided exclusively by a qualified specialist, since uncontrolled use of drugs is dangerous. The use of a number of medications in the early stages of pregnancy negatively affects the condition of the developing fetus, since it is during this period that the formation of internal organs and systems occurs. It should be noted that the vast majority of drug treatment for hypotension in pregnant women is not required; you can raise blood pressure during pregnancy at home by changing your lifestyle and diet.