Symptoms of cerebral atherosclerosis If a patient has cerebral vessels affected by atherosclerosis, symptoms
Effect of lemon balm on blood pressure Melissa helps return blood pressure to normal levels. With its lemon scent
Aortic aneurysm This is a pathology in which thickening occurs on the walls of the artery - something like
1. Diagnosis of high blood pressure Diagnosis of high blood pressure, or hypertension, involves studying
© Author: A. Olesya Valerievna, candidate of medical sciences, practicing physician, teacher at a medical university, especially for
01.11.2017 Interesting Bogacheva Sharofat Bairovna The brain is a “mystical” organ that can fill us with incredible things
In 1996, cardiac disease was responsible for more deaths than cerebrovascular disease.
Causes of pain in the lungs Such concepts as lung pain or pain in the lungs with
Do varicose veins occur in men? Varicose veins are an insidious disease, about this
There are diseases that not only cause physical discomfort to a person, but also reduce the quality of his life.