The first blood group and the life characteristics of people with it

» Blood groups

There are four categories of blood groups in the world: I (0), II (A), III (B) and IV (AB), with the first being the most common.

  • 2 How many of its carriers are there on the planet?
  • 3 One for all: universal donor

    3.1 Compatibility table for blood transfusion

  • 4 Character of women and men with the first positive blood group (rh)
  • 5 First blood group Rh (+): pregnancy planning
      5.1 Course of pregnancy
  • 6 Diet and proper nutrition
      6.1 Video: characteristic features of the 1st positive blood group
  • Origin of blood group 1

    400 centuries ago, it was people with this blood type who began to be called “human”. They laid the foundation of our civilization. Although at that time they did not differ in special mental abilities. But they were able to ensure the survival of their family. The main activity is hunting animals. These were physically strong people. They did not know how to negotiate; those who disagreed were immediately destroyed.

    No democracy was allowed. People with the first group were the founders of the principle “those who are not with us are against us.”

    How many of its carriers are there on the planet?

    As mentioned above, the first positive blood type is the most common. According to statistics, this is 42-45% of the world's population. The “national characteristics” of this group are also noteworthy. For example, among Russians and Belarusians the number of I(0) speakers is more than 90%.

    It is noteworthy that it is one of the most common on the planet. What else? Find out from the article:

    Who can have children with the first group

    The fetal blood type depends on genetic preferences for maternal or paternal characteristics.

    The first group is formed if:

    • both mother and father have the same group - first;
    • at least one of the parents is the owner of the first group, and the other - the second or third.

    If a parent with group 4 has AB antigens, the baby will definitely get one of them. Therefore, geneticists know that the combination of the first and fourth groups does not give the fetus the first group.


    Naturally, doctors would not have such ideas without compelling reasons. But they exist. Type 0 blood is not just a project, but a theory supported by research. However, little is known about them. But there is information that certain observations have been carried out over the course of 20 years.

    Doctors regularly interviewed patients who, by their consent, had been transfused with “nullified” blood. They were about 27,500 men (from 40 to 75 years old) and more than twice as many women (from 30 to 55). Analyzes were performed using a log stepwise test. Age, attitude towards nicotine and alcohol, body weight index, history of hereditary diseases and, in particular, the presence of coronary heart disease, diabetes or high cholesterol in any relatives were taken into account.

    Is there a zero blood group now, is blood transfusion practiced? It is safe to say that the research is not completed. And it is unlikely that there will be a result soon. At the moment, the safety of using current developments is not 100% ensured. Therefore, we can only wait for progress and believe in science.

    Rh compatibility problems

    Rh in the blood is considered as an additional erythrocyte antigen. It is either present (Rh+) or absent (Rh-).

    If both parents have blood type 1 Rh-negative, then the baby will also be (Rh-). In conditions where only one of the parents does not have the Rh factor, the probability of having a Rh positive and Rh negative baby is divided equally.

    Rh compatibility is important for the birth of a healthy child and the course of pregnancy, as well as if blood transfusion is necessary for a patient with the first group.

    Family happiness depends on timely examination of parents

    Compatibility of blood groups and Rh factor

    Rhesus compatibility and blood flow groups are given great importance during transfusion and pregnancy planning, in order to avoid conflicts of the erythrocyte mass. As for blood transfusion, especially in emergency situations, this procedure can give the victim life. This is only possible if all blood components match perfectly. At the slightest discrepancy in group or Rh, sticking of red blood cells may occur, which usually entails hemolytic anemia or renal failure.

    Under such circumstances, the recipient may go into shock, which often ends in death.

    In order to eliminate the critical consequences of blood transfusion, immediately before blood infusion, doctors conduct a biological compatibility test. To do this, a small amount of whole blood or washed red blood cells is infused into the recipient and his well-being is analyzed. If there are no symptoms indicating aversion to blood mass, then blood can be infused in the full required volume.

    Signs of blood fluid rejection (transfusion shock) are:

    • chills with a pronounced feeling of cold;
    • blue discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes;
    • temperature increase;
    • the appearance of seizures;
    • heaviness when breathing, shortness of breath;
    • overexcited state;
    • decreased blood pressure;
    • pain in the lumbar region, chest and abdomen, as well as in the muscles.

    The most characteristic symptoms that are possible when a sample of an inappropriate blood substance is infused are given. Intravascular administration of a blood substance is carried out under the constant supervision of medical personnel, who, at the first signs of shock, must begin resuscitation actions in relation to the recipient. Blood transfusion requires high professionalism, so it is carried out strictly in a hospital setting. How blood fluid levels affect compatibility is clearly shown in the table of blood groups and Rh factors.

    Blood groups table:

    Blood groups designation and Rh factorPrevalence among people of the planetFor which groups can he be a donor?Which blood flow categories are suitable for the recipient?
    I (0) Rh "+"40–50%0, A, B, AB with “+” and “−”0 with "+" and "−"
    I (0) Rh "−"7–10%0, A, B, AB with “−”0 s "−"
    II (A) Rh “+”30–35%A, AB with “+”0, A with “+” and “−”
    II (A) Rh "−"6–8%A, AB with “−”0, A with "−"
    III (B) Rh “+”8–12%B, AB with “+”0, V with “+” and “−”
    III (B) Rh "−"1–2%B, AB with “−”0, V s "−"
    IV (AB) Rh “+”5–7%AB with "+"0, A, B, AB with “+”
    IV (AB) Rh "−"less than 1%AB with "−"AB with "−"

    The diagram shown in the table is hypothetical. In practice, doctors prefer classical blood transfusion - this is a complete match of the blood fluid of the donor and recipient. And only if absolutely necessary, medical personnel decide to transfuse acceptable blood.

    Implications for pregnancy

    During pregnancy, for women without an Rh factor in the blood, compatibility with the Rh factor of the fetus is important. And this depends on the genes of the child’s father. For an Rh-positive mother, the characteristics of the child’s blood do not matter. The absence of the Rh factor in a woman’s blood can cause an outbreak of conflict with the fetus when the child chooses a positive paternal gene.

    Towards the end of the first pregnancy or immediately during subsequent ones, the immune cells of the mother’s body try to get rid of the foreign protein.

    At best, the child will be born with many diseases (jaundice, impaired liver function, anemia). During the second pregnancy, placental rejection and early miscarriage occur.

    To prevent complications and give birth to a healthy baby, parents must take a blood test for the group and Rh factor. Timely administration of anti-Rhesus globulin, which binds maternal antibodies, allows the fetus to develop normally and does not interfere with the proper course of pregnancy and the health of the mother.

    Complexes with this research

    Future dad Comprehensive examination to prepare a couple for conception 5,370 ₽ Composition
    Expanded hospital complex Expanded infectious screening for prevention and hospitalization 4,520 ₽ Composition

    Entry into IVF Examination when a woman enters the IVF procedure 15,030 ₽ Composition


    • Pregnancy planning. Clinical indicators RUB 3,880
    • Preparation for IVF for a man RUB 3,900
    • Examination during pregnancy. 1st trimester 10,390 RUR

    Implications for blood transfusion

    People with the first Rh negative group are considered universal donors. Their blood has no antigens at all. Such blood can be transfused in emergency cases to any person if single-type blood is not available at the moment.

    For the owner of the first group, only blood of the same group according to the AB0 and Rhesus system is suitable. Any excess antigens will cause an intolerance reaction, which will complicate the patient's condition.

    Planned blood transfusions are prohibited due to the presence of other individual incompatibility indicators

    With a plus sign

    Now it is worth considering such a moment as the Rh factor. And we will start with the “plus”. Positive zero blood group - what is its characteristic biological fluid? We will not go into the details of the chemical structure; it would be better to note its reflection on human physiology.

    People with 0(I) Rh+ live longer than others, this is confirmed by research from the University of Göttingent, which proved that 60% of people over 75 years of age have a positive first group. They are resistant to neuroses and rheumatoid diseases, but are susceptible to ulcers and skin diseases. Also, people in the first positive group usually look younger than their age.

    As for the recommendations, they are advised to eat more fish, seafood, meat, berries and beans. But strong alcohol should be avoided.

    Character traits

    To combat difficulties, people with the first group are endowed by nature with high volitional abilities. Such people become leaders, regardless of what they call the people to. They are able to achieve a goal without worrying about moral characteristics.

    The study of character traits made it possible to establish the presence of increased emotionality and a developed sense of self-preservation. Such qualities of a leader allow him to calculate the degree of risk, think first of all about his own benefit, and analyze the result of his work.

    They do not tolerate criticism and are jealous. They are more likely to be suited not for professions, but for positions with a leadership focus.

    Diet and proper nutrition

    In this case, it is difficult to say that each person, relying on his positive Rh, eats correctly, that is, follows a diet. This is absolutely not true. But for those who still prefer such restrictions, we can highlight some products that are useful and not very useful. The diet should contain more protein products. This includes various types of lean fish and meat.

    The nature of the diet should include meat products in the diet, otherwise a person will always feel hungry. The diet also provides for the absence of meat products, which can lead to the onset of irritability and other negative emotions. Then it is possible to experience insomnia and constant bad mood. The first group, positive, is quite picky, so people with such indicators are also quite characteristic and sometimes difficult to please. In addition to all this, it is worth noting that meat products should be less fatty.

    Seafood is ideal as a diet. For example, the compatibility of eating seafood with meat dishes is good for women during menstruation. This way the body will receive everything it needs, and the mood will also be good. Vegetables and non-acidic fruits are also especially useful as a diet. Real infusions are best suited as drinks. These can be various decoctions of rose hips, mint or ginger.

    It is worth noting that such drinks for blood group 1 have a good effect on the figure - they promote weight loss. You get not only a healthy, but also an effective diet. In this case, the main thing is to consume as little carbohydrates and fatty foods as possible, since people with the 1st positive group have a greater tendency to be overweight. Especially if there is a hereditary predisposition. The nature of nutrition in this case should always be under control and not be lazy to engage in physical activity.

    The diet does not consist of limiting yourself in everything, but in particular from a large amount of carbohydrates, heavy cereals, potatoes and flour. Thus, the positive 1st group, no matter what rhesus you have, will not affect your figure, and you will feel good. Diet quite often helps to cope with even the most severe ailments, because with various diseases the human digestive tract often suffers. If you don’t care about your figure, then you don’t need a diet, because otherwise you can gain weight even from the most dietary foods.

    Despite the stamina and good health of representatives of the first blood group, you should still observe some features both in nutrition and when planning pregnancy.

    Video: characteristic features of the 1st positive blood group

    Material updated 02/20/2018

    • Author: Boris
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    What to watch out for

    Typical pathologies can affect endurance:

    • hypertension with crises;
    • peptic ulcer;
    • decreased thyroid function;
    • in males - hemophilia;
    • various allergic manifestations and autoimmune diseases;
    • diseases of the respiratory system, especially a tendency to respiratory infections, influenza, complicated by pneumonia, predisposition to tuberculosis;
    • joint damage (arthritis, arthrosis).

    Common health problems

    Depending on the blood type, there is also an innate tendency of a person to certain diseases. This does not mean that the patient will one hundred percent develop a certain group of ailments: if you are attentive to your health and engage in prevention, they can be avoided.

    But if you leave everything to chance, and do not adhere to recommendations regarding nutrition and physical activity, the risk of these diseases increases significantly.

    WeaknessThe most common diseases
    Gastrointestinal tractUlcer of the stomach and duodenum
    The cardiovascular systemHypertension, hypertensive crises, risk of stroke
    The immune systemWeakened immunity, autoimmune diseases, allergies
    Respiratory systemFrequent colds, flu, pneumonia, tuberculosis
    JointsArthritis and arthrosis, which can appear at a young age

    This group is also characterized by problems with the thyroid gland. And in men there is an increased tendency to hemophilia.

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    Nutritional Features

    The diet for blood group 1 takes into account health risk factors, the typical metabolism of “hunters” and a set of optimal products for the functioning of the digestive system. In addition, attention should be paid to the predisposition of people in the first group to be overweight. Most often this is due to a violation of nutritional principles (this is the opinion of supporters of the blood type diet).

    To lose weight, it is recommended to “return” to natural purpose. Opinions on this matter are completely opposite: nutritionists have already proven the inconsistency of this approach to health. But for those who are interested and believe, we offer oriental recommendations for the menu.

    Constantly eating meat seriously takes a toll on the family budget

    Although modern representatives of the first group do not have to chase animals all day long, defeat a mammoth or participate in a fight with a rhinoceros, they are still considered to need a large amount of animal proteins from meat and fish.

    What is possible

    All varieties of dark meat, fish, and liver are shown. In second place is the bird. Fish oil helps improve blood clotting, contains Omega 3 unsaturated acids, and helps absorb protein. Other seafood products allow you to saturate the body with iodine for the synthesis of thyroid hormones (sea kale).

    Protein from dairy products is less digestible, but is essential due to calcium (especially for women). Therefore, people of non-African origin are allowed to eat a little cheese and drink kefir. The same attitude should be towards eating eggs.

    Buckwheat is a useful cereal. Vegetables and fruits are needed in large quantities: pineapples, spinach, broccoli, radishes, parsley. Only rye bread. The best drink is green or herbal tea.

    For weight management programs, these recommendations can help speed up your metabolism. You need to take the products simultaneously with fairly high physical activity. You can do jogging, swimming, skiing, and fitness.

    What not to do

    All legumes are contraindicated (it is believed that they are less harmful to Asian residents due to established cultural traditions), and corn. You can include some legumes (beans, peas, lentils) in food recipes to improve digestion, but do not make them the main dish.

    Rice and oatmeal are not recommended. It is necessary to exclude lemons, oranges and tangerines, white cabbage, potatoes, and pickled vegetables. Consume sweets and coffee sparingly.

    Not everyone is able to withstand the position of leader

    Blood group 1 character is positive, what determines its features

    We have already recalled the history of the origin of the first blood group, and so this very story left a certain imprint not only on the physical characteristics of the body, but also on the character of its owner, his lifestyle and preferences. People with the first blood group have a fairly tough and strong-willed character, they know how to stand up for themselves and persistently move towards achieving the result they need.

    These people, by their nature, are leaders who can lead the people under any slogans, even if the proclaimed ideas are far from generally accepted concepts of decency and morality.

    Analyzing the character of a person according to blood group 1 positive, you can notice that he is usually too emotional, but at the same time, he has a developed sense of self-preservation. This unique combination of character traits allows you to pre-calculate the degree of risk from any event, while taking into account your own benefit and preliminary analyzing the results that will be obtained.

    It is difficult for a person with the first blood group to withstand criticism addressed to him, even if it is completely fair. Those with such blood are not without feelings of jealousy.

    The choice of work for them is less about choosing a profession, and more about choosing a suitable activity that will allow them to occupy a leadership position. It should be noted that psychologists strongly recommend controlling your attitude towards people around you, you should not show arrogance towards them, you should suppress the feeling of narcissism.

    It is also not recommended to attempt to achieve power at any cost; ultimately, this can lead to total loneliness.

    The character of blood group 1 positive, whether a woman or a man, to some extent today depends on the historical factors that influenced the existence of ancient man.

    What to pay attention to during treatment

    Due to the tendency to blood clotting disorders, medications containing aspirin and Gingko Biloba should be taken with caution. To protect the intestines, it is recommended to use probiotics to maintain intestinal flora.

    Herbal treatment works well for people with the first blood group. Decoctions of mint, rose hips, tinctures with linden blossom, and ginger soothe. Not recommended: aloe in various forms, tinctures of burdock, corn silk.

    Psychologists advise people with blood type O to stop fussing and fight narcissism and arrogance towards others. You should not rush things and seek power at any cost. This can lead to total loneliness.

    Recommendations for therapy

    During treatment, it is necessary to take into account the parameters of the circulatory system and hemodynamics. All this is studied by the science of hematology. Every doctor needs to consider several important points.

    1. Blood clotting parameters
      . If a person has excessively thin blood, a small number of platelets and clotting factors, it is not recommended to use drugs that have a thinning effect. For example, Aspirin.
    2. Complications in the form of dysbacteriosis
      . There is a certain microflora in the intestines. If the parameters are violated, abdominal pain, increased gas formation, and diarrhea develop. In this case, it is recommended to take probiotics over a long period of time.
    3. Traditional methods
      . Plant extracts can be used as an additional method of therapy. Aloe, mint, and rose hips have a great effect, having a positive effect on the composition of the blood, the digestive tract, the urinary system and other parts of the body.

    It is necessary to take into account all the doctor’s recommendations so that recovery occurs faster. They do not self-medicate.

    Does blood type affect anything else?

    They try to guess character, choose diet and profession based on blood type. This is especially common in Japan - there people can choose an employee or partner based on blood type, buy food and even towels.

    Chris Gladis/

    All these classifications are at the level of horoscopes - many believe, but there is no evidence. We will look at some relationships that have a basis in scientific research.


    Blood type affects the body's ability Blood types & food allergies to easily digest lectins - harmful Antinutritional properties of plant lectins proteins found in grains and legumes, milk, seafood and eggs.

    For example, lima bean extract causes clumping History of lectins: from hemagglutinins to biological recognition molecules of red blood cells only in group A, and winged bean extract only in group O red blood cells. However, most lectins interact Lectins in the United States diet: a survey of lectins in commonly consumed foods and a review of the literature with all blood groups. Moreover, lectins in processed legumes are destroyed Nutritional significance of lectins and enzyme inhibitors from legumes, Red kidney bean poisoning in the UK: an analysis of 50 suspected incidents between 1976 and 1989 and do not harm people with any blood type.

    Blood type can also affect your ability to digest fatty foods. People with blood groups A and AB have significantly lower Involvement of intestinal alkaline phosphatase in serum apolipoprotein B-48 level and its association with ABO and secretor blood group types, Serum levels of human alkaline phosphatase isozymes in relation to blood groups[ alkaline phosphatase - enzyme , necessary for the metabolism of phosphorus and fatty acids, than that of groups O and B. This may indicate a greater ability of the latter groups to digest Accelerated Fat Absorption in Intestinal Alkaline Phosphatase Knockout Mice fatty foods.

    These features are taken into account in Peter D'Adamo's blood type diet. However, to date there is not a single serious study of Blood type diets lacking supporting evidence: a systematic review, Theory behind popular blood-type diet debunked, ABO Genotype, 'Blood-Type' Diet and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors, proving the effectiveness of his diet.


    Blood type can increase the risk of certain diseases.

    Cardiovascular diseases (CVD)

    People with O-group are 11% less likely to develop coronary heart disease and generally have a reduced ABO blood group and risk of coronary heart disease in two prospective cohort studies, ABO blood group and risk of coronary heart disease in two prospective cohort studies, Identification of ADAMTS7 as a novel locus for coronary atherosclerosis and association of ABO with myocardial infarction in the presence of coronary atherosclerosis: two genome-wide association studies of CVD risk. Compared with group O, people with group A are at greater risk of myocardial infarction ABO blood group and ischemic heart disease in British men, ABO genotype and risk of thrombotic events and hemorrhagic stroke, and people with group B are at greater risk of ischemic stroke and venous thrombosis.


    1. Blood type A (II) . Increased risk of cancer ABO blood group system and gastric cancer: a case-control study and meta-analysis, Risk of gastric cancer and peptic ulcers in relation to ABO blood type: a cohort study of the stomach and Helicobacter pylori infection, the main causative agent of stomach ulcers.
    2. Blood type B (III) . Increased risk of pancreatic cancer ABO blood group and the risk of pancreatic cancer, esophagus ABO blood type, diabetes and risk of gastrointestinal cancer in northern China and bile ducts.
    3. Blood type AB (IV) . Increased risk of pancreatic cancer.
    4. Blood type O (I) . Increased risk of skin cancer ABO blood group and incidence of skin cancer, reduced risk of stomach and pancreas cancer.

    Scientists have not found a relationship between colorectal cancer ABO blood group and risk of colorectal cancer, breast cancer ABO blood group and breast cancer incidence and survival and blood group. But these types of cancer are highly dependent on lifestyle.

    Physical indicators

    Blood type affects physical indicators: strength, power, speed and coordination. Below we will look at these characteristics and the sports in which a person with a certain blood type is more likely to succeed.

    Blood type O (I)

    People with this blood type are more likely to be found among elite athletes, especially track and field athletes and wrestlers. They are resilient Influence of ABO blood group on sports performance and quickly achieve success in various sports. People with blood type I are predisposed to explosive work: sprints, martial arts, weightlifting.

    What to try : athletics, sprinting, martial arts, weightlifting.

    Blood type A (II)

    People with the second blood type have low trainability in martial arts, but at the same time achieve success in technically complex sports. A large percentage of people with blood group II occurs. FREQUENCY OF OCCURENCE OF BLOOD GROUP PHENOTYPES (ABO) IN POPULATIONS OF ATHLETES AS A POSSIBLE CRITERION FOR ASSESSING THEIR POTENTIAL MOTOR ABILITIES among weightlifters and gymnasts, in team sports.

    What to try : weightlifting, gymnastics, tennis, football, volleyball, hockey, basketball.

    Blood type B (III)

    This blood group is characterized by the RELATIONSHIP OF BLOOD GROUP, SIZE AND SPEED OF TRAINING EFFECTS AS A SELECTION FACTOR IN BOXING, good speed and coordination, high trainability Bulletin of the Baltic Pedagogical Academy Vol. 62 - 2005 - the ability to achieve great results in a short time. People with blood type III are more likely to achieve success in martial arts and other sports for which speed and coordination are important.

    What to try : boxing and other martial arts, functional all-around.

    Blood type AB (IV)

    People with blood group IV are characterized by the RELATIONSHIP OF BLOOD GROUP, SIZE AND SPEED OF TRAINING EFFECTS AS A SELECTION FACTOR IN BOXING strength. Strength sports that do not require speed of movement, such as powerlifting, are suitable for such people.

    What to try : powerlifting, strongman.

    This data can be used to find your sport, but should not be taken as inviolable rules. There are many other indicators that influence success, such as the number of muscle fibers of a certain type and the characteristics of the nervous system.

    If you are not going to compete and build a career in sports, you can forget about these features and focus only on your feelings and desires.

    At the amateur level, you can engage in any sport, regardless of blood type, maintain health and have fun while training.


    Several studies have attempted to discover the connection between blood type and personality using popular psychological tests.

    An Australian study of Blood type and personality involving 240 women and men found no connection between personality and blood type. Neither Canadian scientists succeeded after surveying Personality, blood type, and the Five-Factor Model of 400 people, nor American researchers after analyzing Blood type and the five factors of personality in Asia data from more than 2.5 thousand Taiwanese students.

    Even Japanese scientists came to the conclusion No relationship between blood type and personality: Evidence from large-scale surveys in Japan and the US that the relationship between personality and blood type is less than 0.3%. Thus, there is no serious reason to believe that blood type somehow affects character.

    What are the 4 blood groups?

    The concept of “blood group” is determined by immunogenetic characteristics, which makes it possible to combine the blood of different people into a certain composition based on the structural similarities of antigens , substances foreign to the body that trigger the formation of antibodies.

    There are antigens in the blood structure of any person. The absence, presence, combination of different types of antigen creates many variations in antigenic structures characteristic of humans.

    The etymological connection of any of us with any group is an individual property that is formed at the stage of the neonatal period of intrauterine development.

    The combination of antigens into groups was called Ab0 System, Rh (Rhesus), etc. The founder of this system was K. Landsteiner (1900).

    He noticed that when the red blood cells (erythrocytes) of some people are mixed with the plasma (serum) of others, completely different reactions occur.

    With one combination, blood cells coagulate with the formation of flakes (agglutination - precipitation, gluing), but with other variations, this does not happen.

    Such observations prompted the Austrian immunologist to divide people according to group affiliation , designating them as groups “A”, “B”, “C”. Subsequently (1907) he added another group to them - “0”.

    He established that the coagulation of red blood cells occurs through the interaction of antigens found in erythrocytes of a certain group (they were designated as agglutinogens “A”, “B”) with antibodies found in the plasma of another group (called agglutinins “a”, “b” ).

    This suggests that the group division according to the Ab0 System is based on the possibility of the presence or absence of antigen and antibodies in the blood.

    Rhesus system

    Levine and Stetson discovered Rh antigens in 1939. Scientists studied the reasons for the development of hemolytic reactions in women in labor during transfusions of husbands' erythrocytes identical in the AB0, MN and P systems. A year later, Landsteiner and Wiener produced antibodies by immunizing rabbits with red blood cells from rhesus monkeys. The antibodies are called anti-RH antibodies. The resulting agglutinins entered into an agglutination reaction with the erythrocytes of rhesus monkeys and with the erythrocytes of 85% of New York citizens of the white race. The antigen that caused the formation of antibodies was called RH factor (D factor).

    The Rhesus system combines 45 antigens. Agglutinogens are inherited and remain unchanged throughout life. Immunogenicity decreases in the following order: D > c > E > C > e. Each agglutinogen is encoded by one of two closely related genes: RHD is responsible for the production of the D antigen, RHCE is responsible for the production of the Cc and Ee antigens. Rh-positive donors are considered individuals with D, C or E antigens on the surface of red blood cells. In the absence of the above agglutinogens, donors are considered Rh negative.

    In rare cases, human red blood cells do not contain any Rh antigen. The phenotype is designated RhNULL. The Xro gene in this case is presented in homozygous form and suppresses the production of all antigens. Holders of the RhNULL phenotype do not exhibit agglutinogenic activity, but have the ability to transmit antigens by inheritance.

    Among Europeans, the frequency of Rh D antigen-positive individuals is 85%. There are usually about 10,000 – 30,000 D molecules located on the membrane of red blood cells. There are two special types of D-positive individuals: Du (weak) and Dpartial (partial). The immune system of Du and Dpartial is capable of producing anti-D antibodies.

    Weak antigen occurs in 1.5% of Rh-positive individuals and is characterized by a low number (100–500) of D molecules on the membrane. Is immunogenic for Rh-negative individuals. In this case, transfusion of D-positive erythrocytes to patients with weak D may cause sensitization of the donor’s blood cells. Erythrocytes with Du are weakly agglutinated or do not at all enter into a direct agglutination reaction with complete anti-Rh antibodies. Determination of Rh status is carried out using an indirect antiglobulin test. Du carriers are considered Rh-positive donors and Rh-negative recipients.

    Partial D is deficient in one or more epitopes of a protein molecule. The immune system of people with Dpartial is capable of producing antibodies to the missing epitopes. Among partial antigen carriers, seven groups of individuals are distinguished. The DVI carriage (only epitope Z is present) has the greatest clinical significance: owners of this category produce antibodies to the unchanged antigen and to partial antigens DI - DV, DVII. The technique for detecting the Rh factor DVI consists in the sequential use of two diagnostic kits: monoclonal IgM anti-D antibodies (coliclone Anti-D-Super or Anti-D IgM) and polyclonal or monoclonal IgG antibodies anti-D (standard universal reagent or coliclone Anti-D D). A negative reaction result in the first and a positive result in the second stage of the study indicates the detection of DVI. Typically, the DVI category corresponds to the CcDee genotype. Pregnant women with DVI who carry a fetus with complete D are prescribed anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin.

    Antibodies against Rh antigens are immune. They arise due to isosensitization. Specificity is determined by the antigens that provoke the formation of antibodies. Complete and incomplete antibodies are isolated.

    Complete are IgM antibodies. They are distinguished by their large molecular weight and are detected less frequently compared to incomplete antibodies. Capable of agglutinating Rh-positive red blood cells. They are less important during transfusions.

    Incomplete ones predominantly belong to the IgG class. They are attached to the surface of Rh-positive erythrocytes without the formation of agglutinates. The gluing of blood cells is carried out in the presence of colloidal solutions and proteolytic enzymes or after treatment with antiglobulin serum. They have a smaller molecular weight compared to full antibodies. Capable of passing through the placenta. During sensitization, complete antibodies are first produced, then incomplete antibodies (IgG immunoglobulins) are produced to a greater extent.

    Over 90% of complications during blood transfusions are caused by incompatibility of the donor and recipient with the Rho(D) antigen. The hr'(c) antigen is also of great importance. Agglutinogen is present in 80–82% of the population. The remaining 18–20% of individuals fall into the high-risk group due to the high likelihood of hr'(c) incompatibility with donors and the development of post-transfusion complications.

    Technique for identifying the Rh factor using zoliclon Anti-D-Super

    Tsoliklon Anti-D-Super is a complete human anti-D IgM antibody. To obtain reliable results, the analyzed sample must contain a sufficient number of red blood cells.

    1. Provide good lighting and room temperature in the room.
    2. Place one large drop (approximately 0.1 ml) of Anti-D IgM on the plate.
    3. Place one small drop (approximately 0.03 ml) of the red blood cells being tested nearby.
    4. Mix two drops with a sterile stick.
    5. After 10–15 seconds, gently rock the plate for 20–30 seconds.
    6. Check for agglutination three minutes after mixing.

    If a reaction occurs, the blood is assessed as Rh-positive (Rh+), if there is no reaction - as Rh-negative (Rh-). If agglutination is negative or weak, it is necessary to repeat the test with incomplete anti-D IgG antibodies in order to detect weak or partial D antigen.

    reaction result

    visual assessment of reaction results in transmitted light

    registration of analysis results

    Method for determining the Rh factor Du in a tube test

    In parallel with the analysis, three control samples are performed: the reagent coliclone Anti-D (anti-D IgG) with standard Rh-positive and Rh-negative erythrocytes, the analyzed erythrocytes with a gelatin solution without the anti-D IgG diagnosticum.

    1. Place 0.05 - 0.1 ml (one drop) of red blood cells from a clot of coagulated blood or washed from a preservative into a test tube.
    2. Add 0.1 ml (two drops) of 10% gelatin heated until liquefied at 45 - 50 °C.
    3. Add one drop of Anti-D Zoliclone (Anti-D IgG).
    4. Perform mixing.
    5. Incubate the tube in a water bath for 10–15 minutes or in a thermostat at 48 °C for half an hour.
    6. Add 5 - 6 ml of isotonic solution.
    7. Invert the test tube 1 – 2 times.
    8. Assess for the presence of agglutination in transmitted light.

    The absence of reaction results with anti-D IgM and pronounced agglutination with anti-D IgG indicate the detection of weak forms of antigen D. In case of weak agglutination, the test should be repeated in the indirect Coombs test.

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