Using ginger for high blood cholesterol

The degree of elasticity of blood vessels determines the composition of the blood, the performance of the liver and endocrine system, the filtration capabilities of the kidneys, and the efficiency of metabolic processes in the body. If the functioning of any of these organs is disrupted, the concentration of harmful compounds in the blood increases.

One of these substances is “bad” cholesterol, which is low and very low density lipoproteins. If the concentration of LDL and VLDL exceeds the norm, its excess accumulates in the blood vessels. The pathological process is enhanced by smoking, overeating, and a sedentary lifestyle.

Timely cleansing of the vascular bed from clots will help avoid atherosclerosis and its consequences (coronary artery disease, varicose veins, stroke, heart attack). Ginger, which is used to restore cholesterol levels, helps improve blood flow and normalize the functioning of vital organs.

Useful properties and chemical composition

Humanity has known about the healing qualities of ginger root for more than 3,000 years; it is considered a spice, seasoning, and medicinal plant. Modern cooking has not bypassed it, think how often you see it on store shelves, how many new dishes cannot do without it, and how chefs around the world continue to discover new taste and beneficial properties. Want to know how you can benefit your body by using ginger against cholesterol ? This is determined by the properties of ginger root.

English name, "ginger". The name and characteristic taste are due to gingerol, which is similar in structure to substances in red pepper and raspberries. And a pleasant aroma - essential oils. Rich in phenolic compounds, flavonoids such as quercetin, curcumin and rutin, which strengthens the vascular wall. Ginger root contains 2 times more flavonoids than onions. Curcumin – provides anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic effects, improves heart function, reduces bad cholesterol levels , and prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques in the arteries.

A number of essential amino acids increase its value. They take an active part in the formation of energy in the cell along with calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc. This is one of the mechanisms that explains the acceleration of metabolism.

An excellent aphrodisiac, increases libido, sexual activity, and testosterone levels in men. Improves reproductive function and quality characteristics of germ cells. It is a natural source of B vitamins and microelements necessary for the conception of healthy offspring and the proper development of the child.

Choline is responsible for reducing blood cholesterol levels and its absorption by cells. It is choline that helps bind fat molecules to proteins and transport them through the bloodstream to the organs of the body. Good and bad cholesterol differ in that bad cholesterol is easier and more often deposited on the walls of blood vessels. To produce lecithin, you need choline, vitamin B6, and magnesium, which ginger is rich in. If the diet contains everything necessary to produce your own lecithin, cholesterol in the blood does not increase, even if you eat a lot of eggs, liver, butter and milk.

Features of ginger herbal medicine

Ginger root, as a rule, comes to supermarket shelves from a foreign manufacturer. To preserve their presentation, such products undergo chemical treatment. To reduce the toxicity of the product to a minimum, you can soak the raw materials cold (1 hour), having previously cleaned them.

Dry root powder is considered safer in this regard. Ground ginger has more active properties: 1 tsp. powder is equal to 1 tbsp. l. fresh raw materials.

Ginger not only lowers cholesterol, but also warms up well, so drinking it at high temperatures is dangerous, as the heat will increase.

Ginger will help diabetics give a strict diet a new original taste, saturate the body with useful substances, and help control blood sugar. It is best to prepare juice or tea. Treatment must be coordinated with an endocrinologist, since parallel use of sugar-lowering drugs can enhance the effect of the drugs.

Not all patients with heart failure benefit from ginger: it can cause tachycardia and lower blood pressure. Hypotonic patients should use prescriptions with caution.

Ginger burns fat well and helps safe weight loss. The product can be used by hypertensive patients, diabetics and anyone for whom the problem of excess weight threatens their health. To correct weight, drink up to 2 liters of ginger tea per day, but not more than 250 ml at a time.

To speed up the results, in addition to tea, prepare soup and salad with ginger.

For the active removal of LDL, anti-cholesterol ginger is also used in the following recipe: for its preparation, 1 table. a spoonful of root, cut into shavings, is poured with boiling water (1 liter) and kept in a thermos (5 hours). You need to drink the drink one day before.

As part of the diet, a healthy soup is prepared with ginger. Prepare the ingredients: onion, sweet pepper, carrots, celery, potatoes (2 pcs.), garlic (1 clove), ginger (3g). Pour in low-fat broth. Cook until tender, seasoning with salt and pepper. Onions, garlic, peppers can be pre-fried in olive oil.

You cannot change the proportions, since an increase in, for example, potatoes immediately reduces the dietary possibilities of the dish, and an excess of ginger will give it unnecessary spiciness. Thanks to the presence of ginger, the light soup is well digestible and promotes quick satiety, which is important for a low-calorie diet.

Master class on making ginger soup - in this video

Ginger for high cholesterol

Traditional medicine recommends giving preference to natural methods. Ginger herbal medicine is more natural and more effective than taking statins to treat atherosclerosis, since they keep blood cholesterol levels low only while you take them. How advisable is it to use ginger against cholesterol? Does this root vegetable reduce cholesterol in the blood as effectively as they say? Let's figure out what effect it has on cholesterol metabolism in the blood.

Ensuring good blood circulation in itself is a prevention of atherosclerosis, but does ginger reduce cholesterol deposits? Yes, it is directly dependent on the condition and performance of the heart muscle. And for normal functioning, the cells of the heart muscle need potassium and magnesium. 100 grams of ginger contains more potassium than 2 tablets of asparkam, and enough magnesium to retain potassium in the heart muscle.

Acceleration of blood flow occurs due to the beneficial components of ginger root that affect cholesterol metabolism, if it is slowed down due to increased blood viscosity and high cholesterol - this is accompanied by a decrease in blood clot formation.

Recipes with honey, lemon, garlic

A recipe with lemon, ginger and garlic is effective for thinning the blood and cleansing it of toxic substances. This helps normalize metabolic processes and eliminate bad cholesterol. To prepare the medicine you need:

  • take 2 lemons, wash, cut into small pieces without peeling;
  • peel 2 heads of garlic, divide into cloves;
  • wash the small ginger root, cut into pieces;
  • grind everything in a blender, add 1 liter of water;
  • put the mixture on the fire, bring to a boil, cool, strain, place in a jar;
  • Take a tablespoon of the mixture in the morning, before meals.

You can replace garlic with honey, then for cooking you need:

  • wash and cut the lemon into small pieces without peeling;
  • take a small ginger root, grate it on a fine grater;
  • mix the ingredients, adding honey (3-4 tbsp.);
  • store in a glass jar in the refrigerator, take 1 tsp. three times a day.

To use the product in children, it is better to use a honey-based recipe. Although the taste of garlic is usually overwhelmed by lemon, your child may not like the mixture.

Ginger Recipes to Lower Cholesterol

At first glance, the amount of vitamins and minerals is far from medicinal doses, but in organic form they are absorbed by 98%. In addition, we use it as a seasoning for fish dishes, sushi, flour products and yoghurts.

Ginger tea lowers cholesterol

The recipe is very simple:

  • 3-7 g fresh grated ginger without peel;
  • a couple of slices of lemon;
  • honey to taste.

The root vegetable needs to be grated or chopped after first getting rid of the peel, add the rest of the ingredients, pour hot water at 70-80 degrees and let it brew for a couple of minutes. It is recommended to drink 3 cups of this tea.

Where to buy and how to choose ginger

Pickled, fresh and dried (crushed) ginger can be found in almost any store or market. Make sure that the root vegetable is hard, this indicates its freshness; on packaged products, focus on expiration dates.

Cooking options

Ginger root is used not only in folk medicine; it is also contained in recipes for preparing common dishes. In some countries it is considered an essential spice, so do not be put off by its characteristic bitter taste. To use the root against high cholesterol, you can use one of the recipes:

  • Essential oils. They contain the highest concentration of useful components. The recommended daily dose is 3 drops, divided into three doses. You can add a drop of oil to a tablespoon of water or honey.
  • Tea. A small amount of root (about 20 g) is grated on a fine grater and poured with 250 ml of boiling water. The drink is taken warm when it has cooled down, preferably after breakfast. The beneficial properties of ginger last a long time, so for the second dose, you can pour the same “infusion” into the afternoon, and prepare a fresh drink for the evening.
  • Adding to finished tea. This recipe is suitable for those who cannot stand the taste of pure ginger. Then you can simply brew black or green tea and add a little grated root to it.

When adding to tea and other drinks, it is not recommended to peel the root; the skin also contains useful substances. Simply wash it thoroughly.

Dry ground ginger can be added as a spice to fish, meat, and other foods. The beneficial properties of the root are revealed more when it is brewed in boiling water. But this use of ginger will also reduce the negative effects of cholesterol-containing foods.

Ginger tea is not only tasty, but also very healthy

Ginger for atherosclerosis

At the moment, it is known that the root vegetable strengthens blood vessels, but how can it help with atherosclerosis? The answer is simple - by itself, reducing blood pressure, ginger root perfectly complements any type of treatment for atherosclerosis . Improves blood circulation. Reduces the risk of blockage of blood vessels due to atherosclerosis, as it prevents the formation of platelets.

Who doesn't benefit from ginger tea?

Ginger for lowering cholesterol is not suitable for everyone. The following cleaning of blood vessels is contraindicated:

  • For gastrointestinal ulcers;
  • For bleeding of various origins, in particular with hemorrhoids;
  • Diabetics and people with impaired glucose tolerance, if honey is included in the recipes;
  • In acute cerebrovascular accidents;
  • In the third trimester of pregnancy;
  • If the temperature is high;
  • In case of allergy to any ingredient of the composition;
  • During pregnancy and lactation.

Ginger tea is a medicinal drink: exceeding the dosage can provoke dyspeptic disorders and fever. You should not drink the drink before bed, as its tonic properties can cause sleep disorders.

Take ginger for cholesterol a maximum of 3 hours before bedtime. If there are doubts about your health or a tendency to allergies, you should start treatment with the minimum dosage.

Contraindications and side effects

Any product or medicine may have its own side effects and contraindications. This is why the phrase is so common - consult your doctor. After all, he is the one who knows the history of your illnesses and the current state of the body, which means he will accurately determine what is possible and what is not.

Cautions for persons with heart and vascular diseases

Ginger root has the ability to prevent the formation of blood clots; you should not combine its use with medications that have a similar effect, for example, aspirin. In case of serious complications of heart and vascular diseases, be sure to consult with a specialized specialist.


Ovchinnikov I.P., general practitioner. The root extract inhibits the production of platelets and prostaglandins, improves digestion, relieves dyspepsia, actively reduces LDL levels, and stimulates bile synthesis. In most cases, the body tolerates this procedure well, without side effects. After completing the course (I recommend doing it annually), a surge of strength appears, blood pressure and blood glucose levels improve.

Lyudmila, 56 years old. As an experienced diabetic, I regularly undergo examinations. When the endocrinologist revealed that my bad cholesterol level was 6.7 units, I was prescribed medication. I didn’t want to get used to them, so I decided to try a more gentle treatment option. Cleansing blood vessels with ginger against cholesterol, and even with the addition of honey, lemon and other healthy products, is a fairly effective method. After one course, my tests are almost normal.

And yet, herbal medicine with ginger root is more often used for prevention: when treating advanced forms of the disease, a diet with ginger root can only alleviate symptoms.

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