Pulse fluctuations have physiological and pathological causes. In the first case, provoke an increase in heart rate
Publications in the media Aortic valve stenosis is a heart defect in the form of narrowing of the aortic opening.
Beetroot (in common parlance - beetroot), both raw and boiled, is very
Coffee has long been firmly established in the life of almost every person; few people imagine their morning
What is it? Thymol test is considered a highly specialized blood test. Its second name is
Pathological tortuosity (kinking) of the carotid arteries is one of the least studied and mysterious diseases. Role
Published: 10/24/2018. Updated: 10/21/2021. Even a small headache makes life difficult and prevents you from concentrating on work
Herbal medicine or herbal treatment is a common method for various diseases. Many effective recipes have been approved
Why physical therapy is useful for hypertension Physical exercise is the main part of a drug-free program for overcoming hypertension.
A person cannot independently find out whether there is a blood clot. Read the article, it describes the methods