What is sinus node dysfunction: causes and treatment methods
The heart independently generates electrical impulses, and the sinus node (SU) helps it cope with the task.
Treatment of heart defects in children
Diagnosis and treatment of heart defects in children (Sergiev Posad)
General information about heart defects in children Heart defect is a violation of the anatomical structure of the walls
Atypical pneumonia
Typical and atypical forms of diabetic polyneuropathies
Pneumonia is an acute infectious disease of the lower respiratory tract. Pneumonia or pneumonia is
Angioplasty with laser
How long do they stay in intensive care after a heart attack and how long do they get sick leave?
What kind of care is provided to a patient in intensive care? A patient who was diagnosed by an ambulance with acute coronary artery disease
Watermelon increases or decreases blood pressure: can you eat it if you have hypertension?
Watermelon increases or decreases blood pressure: can you eat it if you have hypertension?
Regular increase in pressure leads to serious consequences: with a sharp jump in blood pressure, a negative effect is noted
Venous dysgemia in a child: possible causes, symptoms and treatment features
Prevalence of the disease In the world, those diagnosed with chronic venous insufficiency in different countries range from
William Harvey: discovery of the body's circulatory system
William Harvey: discovery of the circulatory system in the body on April 16, 1618, an English scientist and
Electricians near electrical switchboard equipment. Collage
Main types of electrical tests and measurements at the enterprise
To ensure uninterrupted operation of equipment and increase the safety of employees working at any industrial facility
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia in adults
Acute leukemia is a cancer of the blood and hematopoietic organ - red bone marrow, in which
Causes of high pressure in the intake manifold
Idling, despite the apparent simplicity of its implementation in gasoline engines, is very inconvenient
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