The formation of a blood clot in the popliteal vessel is a type of venous thromboembolism. This is a serious disease that can
Pain in the legs due to varicose veins is a complaint that patients often present with
Causes For thrombophlebitis to occur, the presence of one or more of three factors (the so-called triad) is necessary
Hijama is an ancient healing method associated with bleeding. It is not surprising that as
Why is human blood red Science knows that different living organisms on the planet have blood
Features of the operation using the Marmara method Advantages of this method Indications and contraindications Preparation for
A decrease in the concentration of vasodilators and an increase in vasoconstrictors. An imbalance of specific endogenous vasoconstrictors - angiotensin II,
Despite the frequent use of the term “hypovolemia”, many doctors have an accurate understanding of its meaning
Low blood pressure during a stroke is deadly. Photo: Valery ZVONAREV If during a stroke you give
Introduction Aortic arch obstruction or interruption often requires emergency surgical intervention in the neonatal