What should be the prevention for arrhythmia? Breathing exercises, yoga, exercise therapy
Heart rhythm disorders affect up to 6% of the population worldwide—millions of people. AND
Alkaline mineral water - Verimed
What kind of alcohol is possible at low blood pressure and in what quantity?
Intoxication is a process that occurs in several stages, at each of which alcohol acts differently.
Brain substance on MRI: are changes visible?
A stroke is a sudden disruption of cerebral circulation. Just a few years ago, this disease threatened as
Increased mean platelet volume in adults: what it means, causes, additional examinations, treatment and prognosis
The hematopoietic system is a very delicate structure. Despite her rather great endurance, she quickly
Mitral valve prolapse in children - Articles and useful information
Classification of the pathological condition Mitral valve prolapse is a disease that can be congenital or
Symptoms of intercostal neuralgia
Hypertension and neurological consequences⁠
Causes of the pathology The causes of the development of neuralgia can be different: inflammatory processes, injuries, bacteria and viruses,
Sinus bradycardia
Respiratory arrhythmia: causes, symptoms and ECG registration, treatment – ​​is it required or not?
Respiratory arrhythmia is an increase in heart rate during deep inspiration and a slowdown during
Resting potential, its origin and ionic mechanisms.
Action potential (AP) is a short-term amplitude change in the resting membrane potential (RMP) that occurs when
What is supraventricular (supraventricular) tachycardia and how to treat it: combating paroxysms
Among all cardiac patients, supraventricular tachycardia occurs in 6-10% of cases. This pathology itself
Poisoning with cardiac glycosides (Digitalis intoxication)
Cardiac glycosides are a group of herbal drugs that are used to treat heart failure.
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