Which vessels does darker blood move through and how does the circulatory system work?
Science knows that different living organisms on the planet have different blood colors. However
Calcium index of coronary arteries. Why and how.
The main cause of death in developed countries is myocardial infarction, which is caused by atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries.
Blood pressure 130 over 90 - normal or pathological, what to do?
High blood pressure can be triggered by various external circumstances. Stress, overwork, lack of sleep, depression and strong
Lump in the throat
Breathing problems: feeling of shortness of breath, lump in throat, feeling of chills or heat, frequent urination
A lump in the throat during neurosis is the first signal that the nervous system is functioning
hydrogen peroxide
Treatment of high blood pressure using the Neumyvakin method with hydrogen peroxide
The number of people suffering from hypertension (arterial hypertension) is increasing every year. Today the disease can be detected
Atrial fibrillation
Maze surgery for atrial fibrillation or atrial fibrillation
Atrial fibrillation and atrial fibrillation are currently equivalent terms. They have similar
Sports heart. How to control the increase in heart rate during training?
When the pulse is generally elevated It is worth remembering that there are categories of people whose pulse
To be afraid or not: 5 reasons why a person may have visible veins
Those who paid attention to the hands of singer Madonna, film actress Angelina Jolie and TV presenter Julia
Image 1: Immunological blood test - Family Doctor clinic
Immune status (screening) (Phagocytic activity of leukocytes, cellular immunity, total immunoglobulin IgE, immunoglobulins IgA, IgM, IgG) (venous blood) in Moscow
Author Azizov Parviz Faragat Ogly Leading doctor Allergist until November 30 We are giving 1000 rubles for
Causes of hypotension
What does pressure 120 over 50 mean and why is this condition dangerous?
Blood pressure specialists assess the functional state of the vascular and cardiac systems. So,
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