Jumps in blood pressure and pulse during excitement Asus March 19, 2018 Good afternoon! I appeal to
Menopausal syndrome in women is a whole complex of symptoms that occur during menopause
DlyaSerdca → Hypertension → The use of iodine in the fight against hypertension Traditional medicine contains many
Honey is a legendary folk medicine. Our grandmothers recommend using it for colds and
In men who do not have health problems, the veins on the penis are almost invisible. They are not
Causes of bleeding The following factors can cause bleeding: mechanical damage to blood vessels; neoplasm or inflammatory process
An increase in pressure in the blood vessels can lead to the formation of trophic ulcers. Varicose veins may become more complicated
Treatment of chronic heart failure M.Yu.SITNIKOVA, MD, professor, T.A.LELYAVINA, Federal Heart and Blood Center
Electrocardiography is the simplest method for studying heart disease. Its result is an electrocardiogram - graphic
Classifications of pneumonia in palliative patients Pneumonia can develop both at the outpatient stage (community-acquired pneumonia),