Dr. Evdokimenko - treatment of hypertension without drugs using simple methods

Without medications, you cannot avoid heart attack and stroke - this is what most modern cardiologists tell their patients, noting readings of 140 to 80 and higher on the tonometer. Pharmacological companies earn the largest amount of money from the sale of drugs for the treatment of hypertension, says Dr. Evdokimenko.

Fearing unforeseen consequences, most patients use synthetic drugs for years on end. They don’t even realize that using Evdokimenko’s method of treating hypertension can be cured without medications.

What is the essence of his treatment method?

Pavel Evdokimenko in his scientific works argues that drug therapy is not able to cure hypertension. She, in his opinion, only relieves certain symptoms for a short period of time. To get rid of the disease, you need to stop relying on doctors and use the body’s hidden reserves.

You should not give up all the antihypertensive pills you were previously prescribed. Correction should be carried out gradually. If you are taking multiple medications, stop taking one group of medications initially. To avoid a hypertensive crisis and compensate for the lack of medications from one group, you need to increase the dosage of the remaining medications for some time.

If you are used to reducing high blood pressure with only one type of pill, reduce their dosage over the course of a month. The doctor should adjust the dosage of medications individually.

Adrenergic blockers cannot be suddenly stopped, since their withdrawal can cause a heart attack.

It is gradually necessary to introduce an alternative method of therapy for Evdokimenko. As soon as the alternative therapy begins to have an effect, you can completely stop taking the pills.

Biography of Evdokimenko

Doctor of Medical and Technical Sciences - Pavel Evdokimenko was born in 1966 in Moscow. From early childhood, Pavel Valerievich was engaged in writing. At the age of 15, he stopped writing and became interested in medicine. I entered medical school. In 1984, training was completed. Then he completed military service.

In 1994, Pavel received higher education, having completed training at a medical school. After graduating from the institute, Evdokimenko got a job at the largest Russian arthrological center in Moscow (MGAC). At the same time, he improved his skills at a research institute for the study of joint diseases. In 1997, Pavel Valerievich finished working at the MSATs and began teaching at RUDN University. There he resumed his writing activity.

In 2001, the debut book “Osteochondrosis – Myths and Reality” was published. Subsequently it was modified. Later P.V. Evdokimenko published several more books. They were popular among opponents of drug treatment.

Don't tolerate high blood pressure

Now hypertension can be cured by restoring blood vessels...


Pavel Evdokimenko is a frequent guest on television. He starred in medical television programs as an expert. He hosted his own show on the radio.

Currently, Dr. Evdokimenko is practicing medicine in a clinic in the capital. Treats diseases of the spine and joints. He runs a blog on the Internet, talking about ways to combat hypertension. Pavel has 10 published books.

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No drugs

Dr. Evdokimenko believes that hypertension has not been fully studied. It is possible to accurately determine the cause of the disease only in 20% of cases. Doctors often look for the causes of pathology in concomitant diseases, forgetting that increased blood pressure can be hidden in poor diet, sedentary lifestyle and abuse of bad habits.

Without understanding the causes of the pathology, the patient is prescribed masses of drugs of synthetic origin. Ultimately, a person does not get rid of hypertension, but acquires a lot of other diseases - consequences of the toxic effects of the pills. According to Pavel Evdokimenko, complications can be avoided by undergoing treatment using his alternative method.

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Breathing exercises

Proper breathing not only reduces the symptoms of hypertension, it helps reduce blood pressure during a hypertensive crisis. Breathing exercises can be an excellent alternative to physical activity, which is contraindicated for some hypertensive patients. The following exercises will help reduce high blood pressure:

  1. While standing, place your hands on your waist and take a slow, deep breath through your nose. As you inhale, straighten your chest and try to bring your shoulder blades together. Hold your breath for 5 seconds. Exhale through your nose too. As you exhale, try to draw in your stomach and then relax it.
  2. Take deep breaths through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Don't rush, you might get dizzy.
  3. Taking a deep breath through your mouth, throw your head back. As you exhale, lower your head, touching your chin to your chest. Exhale through the nose.

While performing breathing exercises, constantly measure your blood pressure. If you feel worse after them, stop training. Perhaps you are doing something wrong and it is better for you to practice with your doctor. He will point out your mistakes and help you achieve a positive effect from the procedure.


It may seem strange to many, but sunbathing and solariums can lower blood pressure. Scientists have found that under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, nitric oxide is released into the bloodstream, which can dilate blood vessels. Sunlight also promotes the production of vitamin D, which strengthens bone tissue and improves the functioning of the heart muscle.

Of course, you should not abuse the solarium, because you may encounter skin cancer. The body will benefit from sunbathing once a week for no longer than 20 minutes.

According to statistics, there are much fewer hypertensive patients in tropical countries than in countries with cold climates and limited exposure to sunlight.

Relaxing baths

To reduce your tonometer readings by 10 units, you just need to learn how to take a bath correctly. Every day a person is faced with many irritants that contribute to the development of heart and vascular diseases. 15-20 minutes of relaxing water treatments a day will help normalize the functioning of the nervous system and improve the general condition of the body. The water temperature should be 37 degrees, be sure to add sea salt.

The bath is taken before bedtime, then usually the patient immediately falls asleep, and his blood pressure levels stabilize. Waking up in the morning, a hypertensive patient feels rested and cheerful.

And also read on our website: Hypertension: diagnosis, differentiation from other diseases, methods of getting rid of the disease


In the Middle Ages, bloodletting was considered the main treatment for all diseases. With the development of medicine, this barbaric method was abandoned, but its benefits were not forgotten. Of course, today no one will cut the hands of hypertensive patients, but many cardiologists and vascular surgeons recommend turning to hirudotherapy.

Half of heart attacks and strokes occur due to blockage of blood vessels by blood clots. Bloodletting to remove excess blood is used in many modern countries. In medicine, this procedure is called phlebotomy. It is performed by puncturing a vein in the elbow. No more than 300 ml of blood is taken in one session.

Bloodletting has a particularly good effect on the well-being of people with heart failure, who have stagnation of blood in the systemic circulation.

Having been checked for infectious diseases, you can combine two good deeds at once and become a donor. The excess blood that is causing you unpleasant symptoms may save someone else's life.


The effect of hirudotherapy is somewhat different from bloodletting. In the saliva of leeches, scientists have counted, in addition to hirudin, more than 80 useful substances, which:

  • promote blood thinning;
  • prevent the formation of blood clots;
  • strengthen blood vessels;
  • improve the tone of vascular walls;
  • normalize metabolism;
  • increase the body's immune strength.

To improve the condition of a hypertensive patient, 4-5 leeches are used. They are laid out along the spine and left for 15-20 minutes. When the leech has rapidly increased in size, it is removed. The procedure is repeated 2 times a week.

Head massage

By influencing certain points, you can improve blood circulation and lower blood pressure, relieve tension in the neck, relax the back muscles and relieve headaches. Massage can be done at home and does not require special preparation. One of your relatives can do it.

Place the pillow on the back of the chair so that it bends over to the other side. Sit facing the back of a chair and rest your forehead on a pillow. Hands should be on your knees or hanging freely along your body. The massage therapist is behind the patient’s back and places his hands so that the fingers touch the forehead and the palms touch the back of the head. With relaxed hands, stroke the head along the hair growth.

The strokes are repeated for 3 minutes. Continue massage movements from the neck along the back, then move to the shoulders. In the area of ​​the back of the head and neck, the massage therapist should press lightly on the skin while stroking.

You should not expect an effect and a sharp decrease in blood pressure after two or three procedures - massage should be regular.

Salt-free nutrition

A salt-free diet is an integral part of the treatment of hypertension. Salt retains water in the body, which increases the volume of blood in the vessels and the heart experiences increased stress. It cannot cope with pumping a large volume of blood. The likelihood of developing a heart attack increases.

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Increase the amount of vegetables and fruits in your daily menu. Give preference to stewed and boiled foods. Avoid smoked and fried foods. Low-fat varieties of sea fish, whole grain cereals, as well as products containing potassium and magnesium have a very good effect on the body of hypertensive patients.

Avoid adding salt to food completely.

Breathing Exercise No. 2: Slowing Your Exhalation

About 10 days after the start of classes, add an exercise to slow down the exhalation to deep abdominal breathing.

The benefits of the exercise: the same as from the first exercise. But there are also special bonuses. By slowing down the exhalation, blood pressure is better stabilized. The heart is trained. Blood supply to the brain improves. The nervous system calms down faster.


The exercise is performed almost the same as the first, but with three differences:

  • The first difference is that when you take a full deep breath, do not hold your breath, but immediately begin to exhale.
  • Second. Try to slow down your exhalation - try to make the exhalation about 2 times longer than the inhalation.
  • Third. After completing the exercise (that is, after the end of exhalation), do not pause for a minute for breathing rest, but immediately repeat the exercise again. Once again. That is, a total of 3 times.


Hirudotherapy is treatment with leeches. By drinking blood, leeches promote its renewal and relieve blood vessels from pressure. Hirudotherapy treats many diseases.

The first session includes placing 4 leeches: 2 behind the ears and 2 down the back of the head. Each session adds 2 leeches. Maximum 10. 7 sessions are carried out, every 3-4 days. The hirudotherapy procedure is painless.


  • allergy to leeches;
  • pregnancy;
  • blood incoagulability;
  • critical days for women;
  • recent surgery (less than 3 weeks ago);
  • recent viral infection (less than 2 weeks ago);
  • cancer;
  • heart disease.

After the procedure, blood may bleed at the leech bite sites for 36 hours. This is normal.

How does bloodletting work?

When donating blood, venous blood is taken. The pressure decreases. This leads to an imbalance of arterial and venous pressure and a difference in blood pressure in the ventricles of the heart. Heart rate increases, cardiovascular failure is suppressed. Venous and blood pressure is equalized.

Therapeutic bloodletting is performed in hospitals and clinics under the supervision of medical staff no more than once a month. After 3 sessions, a break is taken to restore blood balance.


  • anemia;
  • hypotension;
  • pregnancy (except for eclampsia);
  • open injuries;
  • heart disease;
  • age over 70 years.

Doctors' opinion about the Evdokimenko complex

Treatment of hypertension using the Evdokimenko method has repeatedly proven its effectiveness. Most doctors prescribe medications, but speak positively about Evdokimenko’s methods of combating hypertension. Well-known orthopedist Valentin Dikul, as well as general practitioner Irina Dodina, have a good opinion.

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All exercises and methods of treatment by the doctor contribute to the overall health of the body: strengthen the immune system, relieve nervous tension, and energize.

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