Treatment of hypertension is the most pressing problem of Humanity.

After all, if there is no proper treatment for hypertension, the risk of having a stroke or heart attack increases many times.

The number of people suffering from one of the “diseases of civilization” - high blood pressure (arterial hypertension) - is constantly increasing. In Germany, more than 4 million people are being treated for hypertension, and about 8 million more, according to experts, have high blood pressure, but do not know about it or do not see a doctor. According to the criteria of the World Health Organization, the upper limit of normal for all age groups is considered to be blood pressure of 150/90 mmHg. How to behave if your blood pressure is consistently above normal? What complications should you expect when your blood pressure rises?

It should be noted that even if high blood pressure is not accompanied by any painful sensations, it is just as dangerous as in cases where increased blood pressure is accompanied by malaise, headaches, pain in the heart, and mood changes. If you notice high blood pressure, you should consult a doctor. Arterial hypertension is, as a rule, a chronic disease that requires long-term “cooperation” between the doctor and the patient. Millions of people take medications to maintain normal blood pressure levels. This allows them to remain productive and lead an active lifestyle for many years. Some consider injections and droppers with various medications a panacea in the treatment of arterial hypertension (constant increase in blood pressure). This is not true. Injections are necessary in emergency situations, during a hypertensive crisis, that is, as an emergency aid. For planned and long-term treatment, only medications in the form of tablets and capsules are used.

Useful properties of honey

Honey is an effective natural remedy that:

  • Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of all major organs,
  • Improves blood composition,
  • Strengthens vascular walls,
  • Rejuvenates the entire body
  • Strengthens the hair structure,
  • Helps with anemia
  • Relieves symptoms and improves the patient's condition with liver diseases, colitis, stomatitis, sore throat, constipation and hemorrhoids.
  • It contains biologically active components, vitamins, minerals, proteins and enzymes, carbohydrates and microelements.

For hypertension, any type of honey can be used, but the most useful are:

Floral. It stimulates the cardiovascular system, can reduce blood pressure and is especially recommended for older people,

Buckwheat, which contains a large amount of iron. If you take one teaspoon daily, you can lower your blood pressure and enhance the effect of medications.

Many people argue whether honey increases or decreases blood pressure and whether it can be used for hypertension. It is both possible and necessary. There are a number of special recipes for hypertensive patients that lower blood pressure.

But this natural product in some cases can have the opposite effect. These include:

  • Malnutrition and poor nutrition,
  • Starvation,
  • Nervous breakdowns
  • Acute inflammatory processes,
  • Gastrointestinal diseases,
  • Heart failure.

The use of a natural product for the treatment of hypertension activates the hypothalamus, which is responsible for the release of the hormone of joy. The result is relaxation of the body, muscle tissue and blood vessels, blood pressure decreases, anxiety and irritability go away.

Arterial hypertension clinic

Arterial hypertension is the most important risk factor for the development of cardiovascular complications. According to the National Medical Research Center for PM, 40% of Russians aged 18 years and older have high blood pressure.

Compared with those who do not have arterial hypertension, patients with high blood pressure are 3 times more likely to develop coronary heart disease, 6 times more likely to develop heart failure and 7 times more likely to develop a stroke.

Arterial hypertension is a very insidious disease, since very often it is asymptomatic. However, it has been scientifically proven that patients with arterial hypertension, even in good health, can experience serious changes in vital organs - the heart, kidneys, and blood vessels. Unfortunately, often the first manifestation of the disease may be the development of myocardial infarction and cerebral strokes. It is no coincidence that arterial hypertension is called the “silent killer”.

Therefore, if your blood pressure periodically increases (upper systolic above 140 mmHg and/or lower diastolic above 90 mmHg), you should immediately consult a doctor in order to promptly identify changes and begin treatment!

Why do patients choose us?

  1. Our clinic employs doctors who base their work with patients on the basis of modern scientific knowledge. This is what makes it possible to determine the exact scope of examination required for a particular patient (no more, no less) and prescribe adequate treatment. Our specialists will give you recommendations not only on drug treatment of arterial hypertension, but also on non-drug methods. This is very important, given the frequent combination of arterial hypertension with other risk factors (excess body weight, high cholesterol, smoking).
  2. We use all modern diagnostic methods. Their high accuracy and technology ensure proven effectiveness in determining your health status. The tests include ECG, ultrasound of the heart, Doppler ultrasound and duplex scanning of the main arteries of the head, 24-hour blood pressure monitoring, general and biochemical blood tests, and urinalysis.

The clinic is headed by a well-known specialist in the field of diagnosis and treatment of arterial hypertension, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor David Vasilyevich Nebieridze, one of the authors of the Russian recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of arterial hypertension.

Patients are received in our clinic according to the following scheme:

1. You will be seen by an experienced cardiologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences, who will collect an anamnesis of the disease, make all the necessary appointments, and draw up a treatment plan.

2. If necessary, you will be introduced to the head of the clinic, Professor D.V. Nebieridze, who will make adjustments to the examination and treatment plan.

3. If during the examination you are diagnosed with concomitant diseases or complications (heart rhythm disturbances, heart failure) or require hospitalization, we will recommend you qualified specialists.

We guarantee such an examination, which will help not only to objectively assess the state of your health and prescribe adequate treatment, but also to avoid unnecessary material expenses, which is very important in an economic crisis.

Remember, arterial hypertension is a very dangerous and insidious disease, and therefore timely contacting our clinic and early initiation of treatment will minimize your risk of developing cardiovascular complications. Don't put off going to the doctor!

We are waiting for you and will do everything necessary for effective treatment!

Composition of honey

The benefits of natural sweetness are determined by its composition. According to scientists, it contains about 300 components. Among them:

  • Water,
  • Fructose,
  • Glucose,
  • Sucrose,
  • Maltose,
  • Dextrins,
  • Nitrogenous substances
  • Protein substances
  • Useful enzymes
  • Free amino acids
  • Alkaloids,
  • Minerals,
  • Vitamins,
  • Natural flavors,
  • Organic acids,
  • Flavonoids,
  • Phytoncides,
  • Hormones,
  • Fats,
  • Hydroxymethylfurfurals.

The main acids included in the product:

  • Lemon,
  • Dairy,
  • Sorrel,
  • Oily,
  • Ant,
  • Maleic,
  • Gluconic,
  • Vinegar.

In large quantities, any of the varieties contains:

  • Tin,
  • Potassium,
  • Magnesium,
  • Iron,
  • Copper,
  • Sodium,
  • Manganese,
  • Phosphorus.

Many also have:

  • Zinc,
  • Zirconium,
  • Silver,
  • Chromium.

It is also rich in vitamins: thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinic acid, pantheonic acid, pyridoxine, folacin, vitamin C.

How to take honey to treat hypertension

Honey is most effective for hypertension in the early stages of the disease. And the treatment of hypertension with honey is explained by its ability to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and the heart muscle. You can also use bee venom, bee bread, royal jelly and propolis.

To get the best results, it is recommended to take 30 to 55 g of the product daily. After consuming honey for a month, relief and normalization of your blood pressure occurs. If you take honey for a year, you can stabilize your blood pressure and stop taking medications.

To combine the effect of lowering blood pressure and sedative, it is recommended to drink it at night with milk or tea. It is worth remembering that you should not mix honey with boiling water. In this case, most of its beneficial substances are destroyed. But a mixture of sweets with other foods or drinks should be taken strictly as prescribed by a doctor and established recipes.

Although the effect of treatment with traditional methods and honey has been proven by scientists, the natural product of beekeeping does not replace the medications prescribed by the doctor.

Symptoms of hypertension

The severity of the manifestations of hypertension depends on the level of pressure and the involvement of target organs in the pathological process. The latter include the brain, kidneys, heart, blood vessels and retina.

It should be noted that (hypertension) is most often asymptomatic, so the only way to detect an increase in pressure is to measure it with a tonometer.

According to the degree of blood pressure increase:

Blood pressure categoriesSBP, mmHgDBP, mm Hg.
Optimal blood pressure<120<80
Normal blood pressure120–12980-84
High normal blood pressure130–13985-89
AH I degree of severity140–15990-99
AH II severity160–179100-109
AH III degree of severity≥180≥110
Isolated systolic hypertension*≥140<90

In some cases, the disease manifests itself as ailments:

  • headache;
  • decreased performance;
  • rapid heartbeat or, conversely, weak;
  • dizziness;
  • anxiety;
  • facial redness;
  • numbness of fingers;
  • swelling of the limbs, eyelids, face;
  • chills;
  • sweating

The longer and more severe the hypertension, the more dangerous the consequences of the disease.


The main limitation is pancreatic disease. As a result of its malfunction:

  • Normal carbohydrate metabolism is disrupted,
  • Sugar levels increase
  • The functioning of the heart and blood vessels deteriorates.

High blood sugar often accompanies high blood pressure. You should not eat honey if you have diabetes or allergic reactions. Eating sweets in large quantities does not have the most beneficial effect and leads to nausea, rashes, vomiting, allergies and digestive problems.

Recipes with honey for hypertension

  • A mixture of honey and aloe juice normalizes heart function, increases blood circulation and lowers high blood pressure. To prepare, take 4 stems of the plant, squeeze the juice out of them, and mix well with 2 tablespoons of honey. Take a dessert spoon in the morning, before lunch and shortly before bed.
  • Another useful and simple recipe: beet juice and honey, mixed in proportions of 4 to 1. The mixture is stirred until the honey is completely dissolved, and then poured into a jar and placed in the refrigerator. Daily dosage: a teaspoon before each meal. The course is 7 days of admission, 7 days of rest, again 7 days of admission, etc.
  • You can also make a delicious mixture of honey and cinnamon. It will have a diuretic effect and promote weight loss. A tablespoon of honey is taken by mixing it with a teaspoon of cinnamon.

  • A cure for hypertension can also be made from lemon juice, horseradish, beets and carrots. They must be mixed in equal quantities, and about 100 g of honey should be added to 400 ml of juice. This mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for several days, and take no more than 3 tablespoons every 6 hours.
  • The second option for a remedy for hypertension from juices: 200 g of honey, the same amount of horseradish and carrot juice, and 50 ml of rosehip tincture. Root vegetables are grated on a fine grater, beets can be passed through a juicer. The mixture should be allowed to brew for 3-4 hours. Take 3 tablespoons for three months.
  • To strengthen blood vessels, you can mix walnuts (about 100 g) and honey (55-60 g). The course lasts 45 days. You can add lemon and dried apricots, raisins, prunes, red or black dates to the resulting honey-nut mass. The first dose is in the morning, before breakfast, a teaspoon. The second teaspoon is eaten in the evening. The course is designed for a minimum of 45 days.
  • The following recipe has also worked well. Grind 300 g of viburnum with honey, add 3 cups of boiling water. Leave for about 2 hours. You need to drink 100 ml 2 times a day.
  • Hypertension can also be treated with a mixture of beet juice, cranberries, honey, vodka and lemon. The quantities of these products are approximately the same: 250 g of beekeeping product, two glasses of juice, a glass of vodka and one lemon. All components are mixed well. Take a tablespoon before each meal. The duration of the course is 3 months.
  • You can also use a decoction of dried calendula flowers mixed with natural sweetness. The decoction has rejuvenating properties, normalizes blood pressure, and increases overall tone.

Honey cake

A healthy and easy-to-make tasty medicine is honey cake for hypertensive patients. It is able to quickly free arteries from plaques, increase the elasticity of vessel walls, lower blood pressure, strengthen the immune system and increase the overall tone of the body. It can be eaten both as a preventive measure and as an addition to drug treatment.

Daily recipe:

  • A tablespoon of flax seeds,
  • A tablespoon of poppy seeds and the same amount of sesame seeds,
  • Half a teaspoon of turmeric,
  • 45 g honey.

Fry sesame seeds in a dry frying pan until golden brown. Cool and grind with a coffee grinder along with poppy seeds and flax. Add honey and turmeric, mix all ingredients. The finished mass can be combined with kefir, natural yogurt or low-fat sour cream. Before each meal, eat two tablespoons of honey cake.

Honey for the heart. Honey for hypertension.

This recipe will be useful for those who have angina pectoris, hypertension, and atherosclerosis. Honey significantly improves coronary blood supply, normalizes blood composition (due to the large amount of minerals contained in honey), a large amount of vitamin C increases the elasticity of blood vessels and strengthens them, while allicin contained in garlic prevents the formation of blood clots.


Take one liter of honey (preferably first honey or May honey), juice squeezed from 1 kilogram of lemons, 10 medium-sized heads of garlic. Peel and chop the heads of garlic (you can grind them through a meat grinder). Then mix it all and leave for 10 days in a dark, cool place, stirring occasionally (2 times a day).

Take the resulting mixture no more than 3-4 times a day, one teaspoon half an hour before meals, slowly dissolving, without drinking or eating anything.

Key words: honey, heart, hypertension, atherosclerosis, angina, treatment, honey, buy, sale, apiary, Samara.

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