Blood pressure is a measure of how much pressure is exerted on the walls of the capillaries during
Home > Clinic services > Neurology > Vasospasm of the brain In the human body
Authors: Chad A Asplund, Francis G O'Connor, Timothy D Noakes. Translation - Sergey Strukov.
Disruption of the arteries and large blood supply structures is accompanied by an obligatory drop in the quality of tissue nutrition. This is true
Every person should know their blood pH. Acidification of the blood leads to the appearance of diseases and
Impaired glucose tolerance is a real problem in the modern world. Cases of detection of such violations
Violation of the rheological properties of blood and its fluidity is a significant risk factor for the development of dangerous
Complexes with this study Planning pregnancy. Clinical indicators 6,630 ₽ Composition Examination during
Dissecting aortic aneurysm Aortic dissection is a rare but potentially dangerous disease that occurs in 1
Where to start When deciding how to get rid of hemorrhoid symptoms in the early stages of the process, it is recommended