Pneumonia in palliative patients. Part 2
Classifications of pneumonia in palliative patients Pneumonia can develop both at the outpatient stage (community-acquired pneumonia),
The operation of a mechanical tonometer is based on detecting heart murmurs by ear
STM32. Medical use. Tonometer. Introduction and Hardware
Design of mechanical tonometers A mechanical tonometer consists of: a shoulder cuff, a bulb (air blower), a stethoscope, and a pressure gauge.
Sugar curve
Glucose tolerance test (glucose fasting, 1 hour and 2 hours after exercise)
Sugar curve - test for glucose tolerance. Glucose tolerance test (sugar
Photo 1
Mudras - finger yoga to normalize blood pressure
If just a few decades ago almost all people were skeptical about the relationship between the psychological state
Are you menstruating? Check with a gynecologist for anemia - donate blood for hemoglobin
According to statistical studies, 15% of menstruating women suffer from anemia of varying severity, while
Clinic on Pionerskaya
Surgical (classical) treatment of varicose veins - phlebectomy
directions Crossectomy is a modern and effective method of treating varicose veins in the complication stage
Algorithm for managing a patient with ischemic stroke
Stroke is an acute disease that is accompanied by the death of brain cells due to an acute
Veins protrude from the legs - causes and treatment
10 Tips to Keep Your Legs and Veins Healthy
Varicose veins are a fairly common problem. If the veins in the legs protrude, the reasons may be the most
Blood pressure and factors influencing its value. Blood pressure in different parts of the vascular bed
–> Blood pressure is the pressure of blood on the walls of blood vessels. Blood pressure is
treatment of hypertension with exercises
Treatment of hypertension and reduction of high blood pressure without drugs
We are accustomed to perceiving hypertension (increased blood pressure) as a disease characteristic of older people. Usually
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