Heart drops Kardomed forte drops for oral administration 40ml No. 1

Most often, they try to get rid of pain in the heart, discomfort in the chest, rapid heartbeat and difficulty breathing with the help of heart drops, which are usually found in every home medicine cabinet. However, many people who experience such symptoms have never been to a cardiologist and do not know their diagnosis. Many people, especially the elderly, take heart drops constantly, considering them completely harmless. They are often drunk to simply calm down or fall asleep. Some even become dependent on them. But are they so harmless if taken uncontrollably? Do they really cure heart disease? There are different types of heart drops, but many of them are made from medicinal plants and as such do not have any effect on serious cardiac pathologies. Although they help to calm down, relax, get rid of anxiety and pain, they have a slight hypnotic effect.


Description of the drug Tricardin heart drops fl. 50ml on this page is a simplified author’s version of the apteka911 website, created on the basis of the instructions for use.
Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the manufacturer's original instructions (attached to each package of the drug). Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide to prescribe the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.

Herbion heart drops

This is a combined drug, it is a dark brown aqueous-alcoholic extract with a sediment. Made from medicinal plants:

  • hawthorn flowers and leaves;
  • leaves and stems of mistletoe;
  • valerian root.

Hawthorn contains glycosides and flavonoids, which improve myocardial contractility and increase MOC (minute volume of blood circulation). Valerian has a mild sedative effect. Mistletoe and hawthorn have a hypotensive effect.

Drops are prescribed for the following diseases:

  • cardioneurosis;
  • atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis;
  • chronic heart failure;
  • neurocirculatory dystonia.

In order not to overdo the dose, drops should be dropped into a spoon and carefully counted

Herbion has contraindications, including:

  • alcoholism (drops contain 75% ethanol);
  • liver diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • skull injuries;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • childhood;
  • individual intolerance.

Before taking, the drops should be diluted in a small amount of water. Drink for three months three times a day after meals.

Gerbion cardiac drops enhance the effect of tranquilizers, sedatives, neuroleptics, and hypnotics.

In case of overdose, signs of intoxication, drowsiness, and bradycardia appear.

Corvalol and Valocordin

Corvalol and Valocordin are the most common drops with the same effect. They are available without a prescription and are found in almost every home. According to the instructions, they are registered as cardiac drops, have sedative, antispasmodic, vasodilating and hypnotic effects, and are indicated for heart failure. They contain psychotropic substances, namely phenobarbital and ethyl ester of a-bromoisovaleric acid.

For several decades, these drops were taken for any reason not only by heart patients. According to modern doctors, Corvalol and Valocordin have only a sedative effect and do not treat heart disease. In addition, they are addictive and can cause harm with constant long-term use, which is why they have long been banned in many countries around the world.


These oral drops are a clear brown solution with a valerian odor and a bittersweet taste. During storage, sediment may form.

The drug is a combination drug consisting of the following components:

  • tinctures from valerian root;
  • tinctures from motherwort herb;
  • tinctures from hawthorn berries.

These drops will relieve heart pain and calm you down.

Valerian has an antispasmodic and calming effect. Hawthorn reduces blood pressure, dilates blood vessels in the brain, improves their functioning, and has an antisclerotic and antispasmodic effect. Motherwort lowers blood pressure and calms, has a cardiotonic effect, and reduces heart rate (heart rate).

Main indications:

  • treatment of heart failure at the initial stage;
  • therapy for nervous system disorders.

Before taking, the drops must be diluted in water. The dosage and duration of treatment is determined by the doctor on an individual basis.

Kardomed is contraindicated:

  • children;
  • pregnant women in the first trimester;
  • during lactation;
  • with hypersensitivity to components;
  • with low blood pressure.

Possible side effects are:

  • skin rash, itching;
  • drowsiness, lethargy, fatigue.

An overdose of the drug may cause nausea and headache. The drops contain ethanol, so intoxication and a decrease in the speed of psychomotor reactions may occur.

Kardomed enhances the effect of antispasmodics, analgesics, sedatives, hypnotics and drugs that depress the nervous system.

Selecting heart drops wisely is an art, given their abundance in pharmacies. If, despite the warnings from cardio.today, you are still inclined towards such a non-standard method of treating the heart, we will tell you what to look for when purchasing. Overdose occurs especially often during self-medication - we will indicate its first symptoms.

10 main components of heart drops. Some slow down the pulse, others speed up

Heart drops are created on the basis of plant components. If you take such tinctures on the recommendation of a doctor (20, less often 30, drops 2-3 times a day for no more than 1 month), the healing properties of the plants are revealed in all their glory.

If the dosage regimen is violated - a single dose of a large dose, an excess dose (more than 3 times a day), or taken for several months in a row - side effects occur, and often life-threatening ones.

Knowing the first symptoms of an overdose of heart drops will help you detect abnormalities in time and see a doctor.

Hawthorn. Photo from the site cerdcesosud.ru


Included in most heart tinctures. The value of hawthorn for heart patients is colossal, because the ursolic acid contained in it promotes vasodilation and improves the functioning of the heart muscle.

Hawthorn berries restore normal heart function with a rare and frequent pulse, improve cerebral and cardiac circulation. As a result, thoughts become clearer, memory improves, heart pain caused by impaired blood supply to the heart occurs less frequently, and blood pressure normalizes. Another useful effect of the plant is antiarrhythmic.

Cautions. An overdose is fraught with a sharp drop in pressure and exacerbation of gastritis (even stomach ulcers).

Valerian. Photo from dogalhayat.org

Valerian root ("cat herb").

Used in tinctures to prolong the action of stronger components.

Valerian is able to cope with rapid pulse and associated rhythm disturbances, dilate blood vessels (improve the delivery of oxygen to the heart), reduce the tone of the vascular wall, relieve tension and overexcitation, and eliminate insomnia.

Cautions. In case of an overdose, the desired effects increase significantly: pulse and blood pressure drop, dizziness, nausea, vomiting and severe weakness occur.

Motherwort. Photo from herbcare.ru


It has hypnotic and calming effects, normalizes blood pressure, improves immunity and improves digestion. Stimulates blood circulation and effectively improves blood composition, which makes it possible to use it for anemia. Eliminates panic attacks, insomnia, increased anxiety, relieves headaches.

Cautions. Symptoms of overdose: unsteady gait, memory loss, confused and unintelligible speech, disorientation in time and place.

Digitalis. Photo from 2.bp.blogspot.com


Contains cardiac glycosides - drugs that improve the contractility of the heart muscle. Increases cardiac output, reduces heart rate and allows the heart to rest more, which is especially important in heart failure.

Cautions. Digitalis is strictly contraindicated for heart defects, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction and low pulse!

May lily of the valley. Photo from mosreg.ru

May lily of the valley.

Stimulates the heart, similar in effect to digitalis.

And the contraindications are the same.

Mountain arnica. Photo from kneipp.com

Mountain arnica.

See also: Cholesterol is going through the roof. What to do?

Drops with arnica montana are taken for rare heartbeats. They speed up the heart rate, help lower blood pressure, calm the nervous system and even reduce “bad” cholesterol.

Cautions. Contraindicated in cases of excessive blood clotting due to the hemostatic effect. When taking such drops, you may be wary of aching pain and cramps in the legs, chills, lack of air, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.

Belladonna. Photo from 4.bp.blogspot.com

Belladonna (from Italian “bella donna” - beautiful woman).

It owes its healing properties primarily to the alkaloid atropine. Under the influence of atropine, the speed of transmission of nerve and cardiac impulses decreases, breathing becomes deep and even, and the heart rate increases.

Cautions. Despite the abundance of healing properties, if daily dosages are exceeded, belladonna is deadly (paralysis of the respiratory muscles). Excess of the plant in the body causes dry mouth, dilated pupils, photophobia, decreased vision, convulsions, hallucinations and agitation.

Horse chestnut. Photo from wallpage.ru

Horse chestnut.

Strengthens blood vessels, reduces blood viscosity, prevents blood clots, improves cholesterol metabolism, which protects against heart attack and stroke.

Cautions. Uncontrolled consumption of horse chestnut is fraught with exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, pancreatitis), a sudden drop in blood pressure and blood clotting disorders. The first symptoms of an overdose are cramps in the arms and legs, nausea, and heartburn.

Peony. Photo from magstores.ru


Normalizes sleep and tone of the vascular wall, improves blood supply to the heart and brain. Included in heart drops as an addition to the main component.

Peppermint. Photo from thepsorias.ru website

Peppermint (menthol).

It has a mild analgesic effect, calms, relieves nervous tension, dilates arteries and makes breathing deeper.

Cautions. Allergic reactions are common: skin itching and rashes, difficulty breathing, swelling of the soft tissues of the face.

Let's look at 6 types of heart drops

1. Corvalol - perhaps the most famous drops for heart patients, especially the elderly. The composition includes a solution of menthol and methyl ester of isovaleric acid (extract from valerian root), which have a calming effect. The composition of the drug is similar to validol, only it contains an alcohol component.

See also: Defibrillation. Help with cardiac arrest

Cautions. A single intake of a large dose of Corvalol, its use with alcohol and other sedatives (including tranquilizers) can lead to an overdose of the drug and a threat to life. Acute kidney and liver failure, paralysis of the arms and legs, and cardiac arrest may occur.

A bottle of Corvalol drunk entirely is fatal. The first symptoms of overdose occur with the first 60-80 drops!

2. Valocordin was created at the end of the 19th century.

Cautions. Phenobarbital, which is part of it (causes a mild hypnotic, sedative effect), is officially prohibited in many countries of the world - due to its narcotic properties.

But in Belarus, Valocordin is still popular. True, pharmacies began dispensing it in limited portions.

Another component of valocordin is an extract from valerian root.

3. Tricardin is a herbal preparation based on hawthorn, valerian and motherwort.

The main effect of tricardin is associated with hawthorn: improvement of cerebral and cardiac circulation (due to vasodilation and lowering blood pressure), as well as antiarrhythmic effect (reducing the excitability of the heart muscle, increasing its contractility and normalizing the pulse). Motherwort lowers blood pressure and is calming.

Cautions. Symptoms of a tricardine overdose are a sudden drop in blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, unsteady gait, memory loss, confused speech, spatial disorientation, loss of consciousness.

4. Pumpan is a homeopathic remedy. Contains hawthorn, lily of the valley, foxglove, mountain arnica.

Reduces blood pressure, improves metabolism in the heart muscle and the walls of blood vessels, normalizes the pulse and even increases the level of “good” cholesterol. Under its action, oxygen delivery to the heart cells and exercise tolerance increases.

When simultaneously taking tablet medications prescribed by a doctor, patients with heart failure improve heart function, intracardiac circulation and reduce the need for hospitalization. Taking Pumpan reduces the frequency of angina attacks and the need for nitroglycerin.

5. The recipe for VKPBP drops is simple: valerian + horse chestnut + motherwort + hawthorn + peony.

Alcohol mixtures based on other plant combinations are widely used: valerian + hawthorn + motherwort + peony, mint + hawthorn + motherwort + peony, etc. They are not compiled by trial and error, but by specially trained pharmacists who skillfully combine the healing properties of several plants in one bottle.

6. Composition of Zelenin drops : tincture of belladonna, valerian, lily of the valley and menthol.

Belladonna leaf increases the activity of the nervous system, which is responsible for a rapid pulse and acceleration of cardiac impulses, while relaxing the vessels of the gastrointestinal tract and eyes. As a result, the pulse quickens, digestion improves, and the gaze becomes deep and expressive. Lily of the valley tincture also increases the frequency and strength of contractions of the heart muscle.

Indications for taking Zelenin drops: rare pulse (bradycardia) and impaired conduction of impulses in the ECG (AV block), especially if they are accompanied by dizziness and fainting conditions.

Cautions. If Zelenin drops are taken with a rapid pulse, your health will noticeably worsen.

Everyone chooses the recipe for a tincture that makes you calm, balanced and rested for themselves. We can only hope that this will be done with a sense of proportion and conscious responsibility for one’s health.

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Main photo of the article from the site cerdcesosud.ru


Tricardin drops are a brown liquid with the scent of valerian, consisting of hawthorn tincture, motherwort tincture and valerian tincture. During storage of the drug, sediment may form.

Flavonoids (hyperoside, hyperin, quercetin and others) contained in hawthorn improve cerebral and coronary circulation, eliminate dizziness, and improve contractility of the heart muscle. In addition, blood pressure decreases, heart rate and venous pressure normalize, and vascular elasticity increases. Hawthorn tincture has an antispasmodic and anti-sclerotic effect.

Motherwort has a calming effect and reduces blood pressure.

Valerian dilates coronary vessels, reduces the tone of the smooth muscles of internal organs, depresses the central nervous system, normalizes sleep, reduces excitability, slows down the rate of heart contractions, increases the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, and has a weak choleretic effect.

Tricardin - popular heart drops

Tricardin drops have the following indications:

  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • mental and physical fatigue;
  • high nervous excitability;
  • neurasthenia;
  • migraine;
  • hypertension;
  • renal and hepatic colic;
  • spasms in the digestive system.

You cannot take the drug:

  • with alcoholism;
  • epilepsy;
  • liver diseases;
  • peptic ulcer of the digestive system;
  • severe hypotension;
  • bradycardia;
  • during pregnancy;
  • children under 18 years of age;
  • in case of individual intolerance to the components.

Side effects include:

  • constipation;
  • hives and skin itching;
  • rare pulse;
  • depressed mood;
  • dizziness;
  • drowsiness.

In case of an overdose, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness or nervous excitement may occur.

Take drops up to three times a day for 30 minutes. before meals, after diluting it in boiled water. The exact dosage is determined by the doctor. The course of treatment lasts up to one and a half months.

Heart drops

The combined drug “Heart Drops” is available in the form of a tincture and is used to treat heart disease, as well as as a sleeping pill and sedative. It is a yellow-brown liquid for internal use, which may contain sediment.

Valerian, hawthorn and motherwort are the main components of heart drops

Active ingredients:

  • valerian tincture has a pronounced calming effect and has an antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Hawthorn tincture dilates blood vessels in the brain and heart, reduces blood pressure, has a positive effect on vascular walls, acts as an antispasmodic, and normalizes pressure in the veins;
  • Motherwort tincture has a cardiotonic, sedative and hypotensive effect.

Main indications of heart drops:

  • functional disorders of cardiac activity;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • cardiopsychoneurosis;
  • paroxysmal tachycardia;
  • atrial fibrillation;
  • angina pectoris;
  • cardiac ischemia.

Drops can be prescribed as a sedative for the following conditions:

  • neurasthenia with increased nervous excitability and irritability, decreased performance and sleep disturbances;
  • neuroses during menopause;
  • insomnia;
  • migraine;
  • headaches associated with overwork;
  • constant nervous tension.

Take drops 30 minutes before. before meals three times a day. The dosage is individual, depending on the age and condition of the patient. The treatment is long-term (from two to three weeks), so in order to avoid disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, breaks should be taken.

The medicine may have the following side effects:

  • skin itching;
  • weakness, drowsiness, headache;
  • nausea, gastrointestinal disturbances, constipation with long-term use;
  • frequent urination.

If, with prolonged use, psychomotor reactions are impaired (lethargy, lethargy appears), it is necessary to reduce the dosage or temporarily discontinue the drug.

Heart drops have contraindications, including:

  • hypotension;
  • bradycardia;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • age up to 12 years;
  • individual intolerance to components.

Before you start taking it, you should tell your doctor about any other medications you are taking. These drops may be incompatible with some medications, for example, alkaloid salts and class 3 antiarrhythmics.

Corvalol is one of the most popular heart drops

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