Causes of obliterating atherosclerosis of the arteries The disease causes severe circulatory failure in the legs, condemning patients to painful
Complete analogues Biotransformation of enalapril in the human body leads to the formation of an active metabolite of enalaprilat, which
Cerebrasthenic syndrome: causes, symptoms, diagnosis Brain weakness in cerebrasthenic syndrome (CAS) develops due to
Introduction Intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) is an important factor in assessing the severity of the condition of patients under various
Vascular pathologies are represented by a large group of diseases. According to statistical estimates, these disorders are more likely to become
Once you master the whole complex, you won’t need medications. Reduce blood pressure, get rid of headaches
Why low blood pressure in an elderly person is no less dangerous than high blood pressure? Both are dangerous
Type 2 diabetes mellitus imposes certain restrictions on the patient’s lifestyle. Especially this
(2 ratings, average: 5.00 out of 5) The diagnosis of “atherosclerosis” requires a mandatory review of the daily menu, restriction or
Symptoms The average platelet volume, or more precisely, a deviation from normal parameters, has its own clinical manifestations.